UI for Xamarin
Suggest – Provides a list of suggested items in a dropdown based on the input
Append – Upon finding a match (or matches) in the suggested items list the dropdown disappears and the first item from the list is appended into the entry
SuggestAppend – Combines the Suggest and Append modes
If the default AutoCompleteView template does not suit your needs, you can easily define a custom template through the SuggestionItemTemplate property.
The control features fine grain customization options for its various parts by utilization of custom templates for the following UI pieces:
NoResultsTemplate – the template used when there are no suggestions found
ShowMoreTemplate – the template used when the Show More view is displayed
Loading – the template used when the loading message is displayed in RemoteSearch state
Token – the template used for tokens visuzalization
SuggestionItem – the template used for the items used to display suggestions
SuggestionView – the template used to visualize the fitered items