Telerik blogs
Telerik and Testdroid—Real Device Testing Made Easy 870x220

Testing is critical to deliver high-quality mobile apps, and Telerik Test Studio and Bitbar Testdroid have you covered. Hop on this one-hour webinar to learn more.

Delivering high-quality mobile apps that work across OS versions, display resolutions and chipsets while also maintaining a consistent user experience across disparate mobile platforms can be a daunting task. Testing with real devices can be quite disorganized and labor intensive if the testing environment is not helping you create, collect and analyze results in a consistent and meaningful manner.

That’s why Telerik and Bitbar have joined forces to help you test your mobile apps across hundreds of unique real devices. Now you can easily take your Test Studio mobile tests into Testdroid Cloud and execute them on as many devices as you’d like. You can even create predefined device lists to choose from—Testdroid offers 470+ unique iOS and Android devices!

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Get your free Test Studio evaluation copy now and go test your mobile tests against real devices in Testdoid.

Also, hop on our joint one-hour webinar to learn how Telerik Test Studio and Bitbar Testdroid Cloud have joined forces to offer you a comprehensive and intuitive real device testing experience.

In the webinar, you will:

  • Learn how to execute Test Studio mobile tests on Testdroid Cloud, the most comprehensive mobile device farm with the largest coverage
  • Brush-up on best practices for the creation of complex mobile tasks
  • See a live demo of a working end-to-end mobile test automation solution

The webinar will take place on May 18 at 11 am EDT.

Get your seat now.

See you at the webinar!

About the Author

Antonia Bozhkova

 is a Product Marketing Manager for Test Studio and Fiddler. Enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and innovation, Antonia enjoys learning from like-minded software developers and testers which also helps her shy away from using marketing lingo in her writing. When she’s not behind the keyboard she likes to be out to sea. Antonia can be found on Twitter as @Bonbonia.

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