Telerik blogs
The Q2 2015 Beta of Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX is out and ready to be explored and tested by the community. All good suggestions and real bug reports will be rewarded with Telerik points and the most productive testers will have a chance to become one of trusted advisers who help us make the product better.

What Are the Highlights?

  • New mobile capabilities and UI for Phones in RadEditor. Since the UI is designed for small screens, preferably the example should be tested on smartphone or tablet devices.
    Adaptive RadEditor for SmartphonesScan the QR code to test the Mobile Editor on your smartphone or tablet device
  • Added adaptive capabilities to RadImageGallery and RadDataPager
  • Added Light-weight RenderMode for Scheduler, TabStrip, RibbonbarProgressArea and RadInputManager
  • Huge stability improvements
  • RadGrid related:
    • Added support for ESQL (Entity SQL) expressions in RadGrid + RadFilter
    • Added option to generate ESQL expressions in RadGrid even if not bound to EDS control
    • RadGrid pager mobile rendering
    • Support for resizing columns with frozen columns
    • Added Drag icon to RadGrid
  • PDF multi page export with RadClientExportManager (demo)

For more detailed information you can read the release notes.​

Light and/or In-depth Testing?

The light testing can be performed much faster. Just open the live demos and check out for UI, Bugs and Appearance problems due to CSS, JavaScript or Server errors.

The in-depth testing requires to download the Beta installation and to play with it. For example, you can:
  • Upgrade an existing test project. Since this is a Beta release, do not experiment with your official sites and apps.
  • Play with the API and check for regressions and breaking changes.
  • Create a new project and examine the new functionalities and features introduced in the release

Where to Report a Problem?

There are three channels which you can use to report an issue:

Beta Resources

About the Author

Rumen Jekov

Rumen Jekov (@Rumen_Jekov) started his career at Telerik’s ASP.NET team in 2004 as a tech support engineer and passed through the position of a team lead to a product manager. He has answered more than 51,500 tickets helping customers to achieve their goals. Presently, he is a product owner of Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX and a manager of the AJAX crew at Progress. Off work, he enjoys traveling across the globe, watching movies and tech shows, reading books and listening to podcasts.


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