Executive Dashboard Reports. You can create, review and share custom automation result reports.
Web components such as "Shadow DOM" are now supported. There is a new option in Project Settings to control this behavior. Here is the complete list of supported web components:
UX changes. Better usability and quality of life improvements in Test Studio's main IDE. The 'Welcome Screen', IDE 'Ribbon' and 'Project' explorer have been improved for faster end user interactions.
Browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome and Edge Chromium have been updated.
Salesforce apps using 'Shadow DOM' as underlying technology are now supported.
Scheduling Setup UI improvements. The status of the connected Storage Service is displayed when applying new configuration.
Scheduling: Exception during remote execution in ArtOfTest.Runner.exe with dialog handling.
Browsers: Firefox process not being killed if you abort test quick execution
Browsers: 'Delete Cookie' not working in Chrome and Firefox
Dialogs: Log-on dialog is not handled in new FF73
Dialogs: Dialog handling steps are failing if you execute "From Here" and "Run Selected" against a Test as Step
Dialogs: Download dialog in Internet Explorer does not close 'Download completed' footer
Dialogs: Unexpected dialogs not being handled in Chrome during test list execution
Recording: Highlight with JS Recorders does not work properly in some specific site
Recording: Recording dialogs in JS browsers after "Run to here" is not working
Recording: Some in project elements are not created as expected for specific DOM objects when using the step builder in the recorder
Recording: Recording of drag and drop actions is not working in IE
Recording: Internet explorer dialog recording will stop working after you close a pop-up
Executive Dashboard: Added ability to resize column size for individual test list run results
Executive Dashboard: Results Rerun status is wrong - shows IsPassed value
Execution: Generic HTML table verify 'columnsCount' compare type 'GreaterThan' or 'LessThan' is not working
Scheduling: Automatic upload to storage does not respect scheduled list content
Scheduling: Scheduler configuration crashing if you give it a location with no storage server for executive dashboard storage
ProjectExplorer: Deleting folder with test in it which was added from windows explorer crashes Test Studio
ProjectExplorer: Deleting all tests while some element is "Open for edit" does not close the element's document
TestExplorer: Drag and drop steps cannot be deleted if created from Step Builder
StepFailureDetails: Resolve Failure tab is shrunk in some environments
VisualStudio: New tests and test lists not being immediately loaded in the VisualStudio 2019 v.16.5 test explorer after build
Translators: Enhanced KendoListBox (jQuery) translator. Added count of list items('li') and count of selected items
Translators: Recording of KendoTreeView (jQuery) nodeSelect is not working
Translators: KendoWindow (jQuery) 'isMaximized' does not work
Translators: KendoTreeNode (jQuery) actions and verification are not available if the tree node is part of PanelBar
Translators: KendoListView (jQuery) now has select by index as an option
Translators: KendoListView (jQuery) added friendly exception when you attempt to select item where selection is not allowed
Translators: KendoListBox (jQuery) recorder will create wrong search query for selected item
Translators: KendoListBox (jQuery) step should have 'SelectionType' exposed in the in-line properties of the step
Translators: KendoDropDownList (jQuery) 'select' action is not recorded
Translators: KendoGrid (jQuery) clicks on 0 column cells are recorded wrong
Translators: KendoGrid (jQuery) action steps will not record images
Translators: KendoInput (jQuery) text is entered in the wrong element if you have more than one instance in the same page
Translators: KendoInput (jQuery) runtime input in auto complete box will fail
Translators: KendoInput (jQuery) set text step will not work if the input element has focus and active cursor
Translators: KendoInput (jQuery) step not working as expected for 'DateInput' type
Translators: Kendo NumericTextBox (jQuery) incremental increase of numeric value by button click will record toggle
Translators: FilterMenu (jQuery) toggle action records step with the wrong description
Translators: FilterMenu (jQuery) crashing Test Studio if opened while highlighting is enabled
Translators: Verification in Blazor Time Picker will fail if there is Cyrillic in the DateTime
Translators: TelerikBlazorDateInput value will always return 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM no matter what the actual value is
Translators: Blazor Date type controls will fail in execution
Translators: Blazor grid is not recognized during recording
Test Studio for APIs: JSON 'isEqual' verification always returns 'false'
Test Studio for APIs: Crashes in some verification cases
UI Split: Separate start-ups for Test Studio and Test Studio for APIs. Desktop shortcuts and welcome screens are now different.
All delete buttons in product are now changed to trash bin icons
MongoDB: The minimum required version of MongoDB Server is now 3.6. A detailed upgrade guide could be found here: https://docs.telerik.com/teststudio/knowledge-base/scheduling-kb/upgrade-to-mongo-4-0
Important Notification Regarding Mobile Testing Discontinuation: After thoughtful consideration and based on user feedback, we’ve decided to revise our approach to mobile testing and shift away from the native/hybrid app focus by discontinuing our Mobile testing solution in its current state. You can read more here.