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I'm using Telerik Test Framework to test a WPF app on Windows. How do I see the contents of the RadVirtualGrid class? The way I'm accessing it is as follows:
using ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight;
using Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf;
var virtualGrid = knownFrameworkElement.Find.ByType<RadVirtualGrid>();
The virtualGrid object is properly returned. However, no useful methods/properties are defined in the RadVirtualGrid class. Snoop cannot see the contents, either.
Does anyone know how to get the contents of RadVirtualGrid? I had no problem grabbing the RadGridView class. But we recently changed to the virtual grid.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
We have a WPF Application that when I use a coded step rather than a Test Step, I get an error message that the Element cannot be found. If the coded step is after a Test Step that does interact with the same page, the Element is found with no issues.
Here is the Element example:
XamlTag=button,AutomationId=Vendor Search
If I set a breakpoint and open the DOM Explorer, and then close it, the Element is found as expected. Just stopping at the breakpoint is not enough, so it isn't an issue with waiting for the Element to be populated.
This issue also happens when we export our test to be a C# coded test.
I have attached a video showing the behavior working and then breaking. We are unable to share the program with you since it is an internal application.
Coded Step:
[CodedStep(@"Click VendorSearchButton")]
public void Purchasing_CodedStep8()
// Click VendorSearchButton
Here is the code within the application setting the AutomationId:
<Button x:Name="NavigateButton" Margin="0,1,0,0" Command="{Binding CommandOnClick}" IsEnabled="{Binding Enabled}"
Height="43" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
Style="{StaticResource MenuItemButtonStyle}"
AutomationProperties.Name="{Binding DisplayText}"
AutomationProperties.AutomationId="{Binding DisplayText}"
Visibility="{Binding IsEditable, Converter={StaticResource BooleanInverseVisibilityConverter}}">
<TextBlock Foreground="{StaticResource MenuItemTextBrush}" FontSize="14" Padding="4"
Visibility="{Binding IsEditable, Converter={StaticResource BooleanInverseVisibilityConverter}}">
<Run Text="{Binding Index, Mode=OneWay}" FontWeight="Thin" /><Run Text="." FontWeight="Thin" />
<Run Text="{Binding DisplayText, Mode=OneWay}" FontWeight="SemiBold" />
I am creating something with a name of zxcvb using the generate random string test step. Then I'm validating that that string is visible in an element. However in the element there is some space between the beginning of the generated name, so I get failure information in my logs like this
Failure Information:
Displayed text did not satisfy constraint( t0Xhs Same t0Xhs)
my test looks like
'Pass' : 6. Type '' into Item0Bstextbox - DataDriven: [$(test-search)][$(test-search)]
'Pass' : 7. Click OKRadbutton
'Fail' : 10. Verify 'SearchNameTextblock' displayed text Same ' ' - DataDriven: [$(test-search)]
so in step 10, I need to add some spaces in ahead of the data driven value
I am trying to log in my Telerik account with the correct email and password, but I can not log in. The Cloudflare human verification is loading and I receive this error:
"Oops! We couldn't verify you're human. Please try a different browser or contact us for assistance."
I am using Chrome and also tried with Edge browser, but the same thing happens. Please help me fix the log in problem urgently.
Dear Telerik team,
we have discovered an issue with context menu operations. Here's a simplified code example clicking a menu item. The problem is that the click is performed on a different entry way below the one accessed in this code. Is that a bug?
Furthermore, is there a way to access the context menu item directly with a click operation?
Or maybe, is there a better way to access the context menu from code? Parsing through the VisualTree immediately closes the context menu.
var desktop = DesktopElement.FromDesktopRoot();
// open context menu
// get context menu
var contextMenu = desktop.Find.ByClassName("RadContextMenu");
// get entries
var entries = contextMenu.Find.AllByClassName("TextBlock").As<DesktopText>();
entries.First(box.Text == menuItem).User.Click();
Best regards!
I use Firefox v. 130.0.1 (64-bit), Test Studio, plugin for Firefox is v. 2023.1.703.1. And yesterday I came across a problem: I run tests, but Firefox even not opens.
In the report I see following: see attachment.
In this test I need to download files with original names. As I understood some time ago, I asked here about this (Ticket 1580780), there is no opportunity to download a file with original name using Chrome without extension, it requires to give a new name for the file. So, Firefox was the only one browser which I could use for this test and now it also doesn't work.
Can you help?
Hi all,
I'm looking for advice on a coded step.
We have a WPF application which uses System.Windows.Controls.ListView as well as Telerik controls. I have a ListView with a specific name and I'd like to locate and cast it from the running app, so that I can then iterate through the ListItems within it.
I had assumed that I could use something similar to:
public void Survey_Control_Readonly_Switcher_CodedStep()
WpfApplication app = Manager.ActiveApplication;
System.Windows.Controls.ListView list = app.MainWindow.Find.ByName<System.Windows.Controls.ListView>("DisplayFieldItems");
foreach <etc....>
But this does not seem to work, where it does if I use it with (e.g.):
Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf.RadGridView grid = app.MainWindow.Find.ByName<Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf.RadGridView>("ScriptGrid");
Does anyone have any pointers? I've gone through the code examples but not found anything relevant. I do have the correct assemblies loaded and called.