The new major release of WebUI Test Studio is now officially live! You can get the bits from your Telerik account and enjoy the powerful AJAX and Silverlight test automation.
Before I dig into the recent updates, I’d like to thank all involved from the ArtOfTest and Telerik teams for the great release! The numerous new features and tons of improvements made this dream come true – WebUI Test Studio v2.0 is a must-have tool for all of the Web automation addicted.
I’d also like to say a big “Thanks” to all of you - our customers, who constantly share your valuable feedback with us. I also hope you find our support services helpful. Needless to say, we do our best to keep in touch with all your requests and continue improving the product according to your needs.
We are also conducting a joined free webinar with ArtOfTest today, Dec 10th @ 11:00AM-12:00PM EST, to introduce the new features in WebUI Test Studio 2.0. We will also be giving out a free license to one of the attendees. So sign-up today! Additionally, you can also take part in our Facebook and Twitter contests for a chance to win a WebUI Test Studio 2.0 license. All you need to do is tweet your favorite WebUI Test Studio 2.0 feature (make sure to use double tag #Telerik #WebUI and follow the official @Telerik) or post it on our Facebook wall (you should be a Telerik fan before doing so) till December 17.
Along with the final WebAii v2.0 and Automation Design Canvas v2.0 updates there are numerous new features in the RadControls Translators in comparison with the Beta (Q3 2009) release as well. First of all, we’ve added more translators to the suite including:
· ASP.NET AJAX: RadListView and RadDataPager
· Silverlight: RadRibbonBar, RadBook, RadTreeListView
We’ve been also working on supporting the rest of RadControls so you will find a lot of recently added enhancements. Please take a look at the release notes for details.
The final Design Canvas v2.0 includes a number of updates in regards to the Silverlight recording. For example the built-in SL custom controls support is an absolutely great new addition! It can be noticed pretty easily – just locate the control in the visual tree (DOM Explorer window) and check the control BaseType property. Here is a snapshot from the complex RadScheduler for Silverlight structure – since there is no special translator for the AppointmentItemsControl component, it gets its base ListBox verifications.
This gives a lot more valuable and easy recording options in designing your automated test case!
I’d also like to point you to the cool “Lock On Surface” DOM explorer option. Should you need more checks for the RadTileView item after maximizing it you may:
1. Locate it in the DOM.
2. Browse to a sub element.
3. Right-click on it and choose to lock it on the surface.
Along with highlighting the element you will get its automation menu!
Additionally, you can benefit from the enhanced Verification Builders. The “Build verification” menu option will give you all the properties of the base elements. The mentioned test scenario will definitely look more complete adding some element dimension checks:
Talking about verification builders and the new Sentence Editor UI, the RadControls for Silverlight Translators now include tons of verification builder options. The options are grouped by value type providing rich customization abilities. Just take a look at the following images:
Do not forget the test step properties! Should you need to modify a property value because the verification fails, right-click on that step and chose to load its properties:
Enjoy the new release!