We are pleased to announce the new Beta update of WebUI Test Studio! It is a huge step towards the first official release coming with Q1 2009.
The Highlights:
1. All reported issues were addressed!
I am very pleased to say that! This includes the few problems related to the installer, a couple of fixes about the IDE components in the Design Canvas as well as various issues regarding the RadControls translators.
2. Full compatibility with the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2009 Beta.
The Beta of the RadControls is available since the end of the last week. This Beta update of the WebUI Test Studio is fully compatible with the released controls including the brand new RadGrid pager along with some HTML rendering changes (ColorPicker) and new additions to the other controls (Calendar, Editor, MaskedTextBox, Slider, TimeView).
Aside from the reported issues and the necessary changes in the translators, there are tons of fixes and improvements.
1. Design Canvas behavior is improved!
There are improvements related to the cross-browser support (IE8 RC1, Firefox), some about the Dialog handlers, adding code-behind fixed issues, component fixes, etc.
2. Splitter translators are added!
The RadSplitter control is covered by Splitter Pane, SplitBar, Sliding Zone, Sliding Pane and Splitter translators. They all expose the necessary verifications for all the elements and handle the actions related to the SlidingPane and the SplitBar.
3. Major improvements of the Grid translators!
In addition to the completely new Pager, you can find distinct improvements in the Grid translators. There are new actions handled like the columns reorder, the advanced pager and the “Add new record” form “Insert” action. There are new translators added for the GridFooter and the GroupFooter cells along with the necessary verifications (and Verification Builders) for the cell content. We’ve also added several verifications related to the reorder and the resizing Grid settings, multi-column sorting enabled verification, pager mode and enable drag-to-select option of the Grid selection settings.
4. Translator additions alongside the whole suite!
It’s worth mentioning the new ToolBar SplitButton and the DropDownButton translators (as well as actions and verifications), the TreeView drag and drop nodes handling, the Calendar and the TimeView enhanced support of non-English culture and non-default time format when set explicitly for the controls, the new Custom Verification Builders for the Calendar translator, the Upload fixes under IE (both IE7 and IE8) as well as under Firefox, the MaskedTextBox setting text handled within the Design Canvas and so on. The detailed release notes list is available in the forums.
The team would like to say a big Thanks to all of you sending feedback. It definitely helps us make the product better so that the new test automation solution can save you a lot of efforts, time and money!
Thank you!