Greetings, fellow testers. I know some of you are working closely with your developers, and that's A Good Thing. They may be showing interest in creating tests themselves, and what better place for them (or you, if you're interested) to do that but right in their favorite development tool - Visual Studio?
Here's the good news - when you installed Test Studio it also added a plug-in which gives Visual Studio the same ease of test recording as you're already using.
The keys are to use the Telerik Test Studio Project template when starting your project, and then adding tests to the project using the Test Studio Web Test type. Here's a video showing just how to get started.
video: Test Studio's Visual Studio Plug-in - Creating Your First Test
Steven Vore is an Evangelist for Telerik's Test Studio. He has worked in software support and testing for the better part of two decades, and enjoys exploring ways to make software easier to use. He is a fan of movies and music, and can often be found on Twitter as @StevenJV.