We recently asked current users of Test Studio what their top five challenges getting started with Test Studio software testing tools were. I think that list is an awesome starting point for a series targeted to help people get past these same problems!
Here are the top five items called out by our customers:
If you’ve worked in other automation domains (unit or integration testing, UI testing with tools other than Test Studio), then you’ll notice these same problems spanning all those domains. These problems are the same ones I’ve experienced over the years regardless of whether I was working with Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Watir, or Test Studio.
I’ll be writing one or two blog posts per week as I work through covering this list. Each post will cover one topic, and I’ll be linking to existing resources we have on the topic as well. Hopefully the series will help you move past these issues and get you productive as quickly as possible!
What other common challenges have you run into in your environments? Let me know in the comments and I may be able to cover those in the future!