Telerik blogs

Welcome to the fifth tutorial in my series of tutorials about the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit. This week, we will learn how to use the RadPanelBar UIExtensionSite. I will be using a TCEK enabled smart client application as the base for this tutorial. I’ve also created a simple module called the Asset Manager module that I will use in this tutorial.

The Asset Manager Module

The asset manager module is a basic CAB module that contains one view, the AssetListing view. The AssetListing view contains a RadGridView bound to a list of asset business objects. The business object, called “Asset”, contains properties pertaining to the name, description, and amount of an asset. The AssetListing view also contains two CommandHandlers. The first command handler adds rows to the RadGridView, the second removes rows.

/// <summary>
/// Command handler for adding a new asset to the RadGridView.
/// </summary>
public void AddNewAsset(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Asset newAsset = new Asset();
    newAsset.Name = "New Asset";
    // Invoke the status update event to notify the status bar that an asset has been added
    OnStatusUpdate(new EventArgs<string>("Added new asset..."));
/// <summary>
/// Command handler for removing assets from the RadGridView.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteSelectedAsset(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (View.AssetBindingSource.Current != null)
    // Invoke the status update event to notify the status bar that an asset has been deleted
    OnStatusUpdate(new EventArgs<string>("Deleted asset..."));

Adding the RadPanelBar UIExtensionSite

To add the RadPanelBar as a UIExtensionSite, the first step I took was to simply drag a RadPanelBar onto the ShellLayoutView.cs form. Inside the code-behind I've added a property to the RadPanelBar so that I could access it from the presenter.

internal RadPanelBar MainRadPanelBar
    get { return _mainRadPanelBar; }

In the Infrastructure.Interface project, in the UIExtensionSiteNames.cs file, I added a new string name constants for the UIExtensionSite to use.

/// <summary>
/// The extension site for the main panel bar.
/// </summary>
public const string MainPanelBar = "MainPanelBar";

In the ShellLayoutViewPresenter.cs file, I updated the OnViewSet() method to register the RadPanelBar as a UIExtensionSite.

protected override void OnViewSet()
    WorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(UIExtensionSiteNames.MainMenu, View.MainMenuStrip);
    WorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(UIExtensionSiteNames.MainStatus, View.MainStatusStrip);
    WorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(UIExtensionSiteNames.MainToolbar, View.MainToolbarStrip);
    // Register the RadPanelBar as a UIExtensionSite
    WorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite(UIExtensionSiteNames.MainPanelBar, View.MainRadPanelBar);

Extending the RadPanelBar UIExtensionSite

In the AssetManager module’s ModuleController.cs file, I’ve extended the base set of methods to include an ExtendPanelBar() method that gets called from the Run() method. Also, I’ve changed the order of calls in the Run() method as to allow the views to be loaded first.

public override void Run()
    AddViews(); // load views first
    ExtendPanelBar(); // extend the panel bar

In the ExtendPanelBar() method I've extended the PanelBar UIExtensionSite in two separate ways. The first way uses a standard RadPanelBarGroupElement that contains some button elements used to invoke the commands. The second way actually uses a RadPanelBarGroupElement thats been set up as a host control. The control I've chosen to host in it actually contains another RadGridView that is bound to the same datasource as the AssetListing view.

private void ExtendPanelBar()
    // *** Setup a Regular RadPanelBarGroupElement
    // Create the RadPanelBarGroupElement
    RadPanelBarGroupElement optionsGroup = new RadPanelBarGroupElement();
    optionsGroup.Caption = "Edit Options";
    // Add buttons to the RadPanelBarGroupElement
    RadButtonElement addAssetButton = new RadButtonElement("Add Asset");
    this.WorkItem.Commands[CommandNames.AddNewAsset].AddInvoker(addAssetButton, "Click");
    RadButtonElement removeAssetButton = new RadButtonElement("Remove Asset");
    this.WorkItem.Commands[CommandNames.DeleteSelectedAsset].AddInvoker(removeAssetButton, "Click");
    // *** Setup a Host Control RadPanelBarGroupElement
    // Create the RadPanelBarGroupElement
    RadPanelBarGroupElement hostGroup = new RadPanelBarGroupElement();
    hostGroup.Caption = "Navigation Grid";
    hostGroup.EnableHostControlMode = true;
    // Add custom gridUserControl to the ContentPanel on the host GroupElement
    GridUserControl gridUserControl = new GridUserControl();
    gridUserControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    gridUserControl.RadGrid.DataSource = assetListingView.AssetBindingSource;

Running the Application

Once all of this is set up, the application looks as follows.

RadPanelBar UIExtensionSite 1

Clicking the Add Asset button will invoke the AddNewAsset command and therefor causes a new asset to be added to the grid. Clicking the Remove Asset button will invoke the DeleteSelectedAsset command and therefor causes the currently selected item to be removed from the grid.

The "Navigation Grid" option of the RadPanelBar contains the hosted RadGridView user control. Clicking on an item in either grid causes the other grid's selection to be updated since they are bound to the same datasource.

RadPanelBar UIExtensionSite 2


 Click here to download the source code used in this post.


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