We’re taking a new step for Test Studio: we’re making Test Studio 2013 R1 available as a public beta. This release of Test Studio has undergone some major changes, and we’d like your feedback on what you think of things so far!
We’re making a Beta build of R1 available for you until 15 August. The Beta will expire at that point, so keep reading if you’re interested in having an early look at the release!
We’ve made the Beta build available right on your Telerik.com My Account page. (Don’t have an account? All you need to do is register at Telerik.com. You don’t need to purchase anything, sign up for newsletters, or hand us over your firstborn.)
Part of our Beta program is allowing you access to our early draft documentation. We’re trying to make sure our documentation is clear, complete, and helpful. Let us know where we can continue to flesh things out for you.
Test Studio 2013 R1 is a significant change from earlier versions. You’ll see a completely new theme for the UI, you’ll find more features, and you’ll be able to record in more browsers. Here are some of the things we’d love to hear back from you on:
Don’t feel constrained by the list above. Let us know whatever feedback you’ve got!
We’ve created a special portal just for this Beta. Please fire away with bug reports, feature requests, and feedback there.
This is a Beta release, folks. Please do not install or use this in your production environments. We may still make breaking changes to the product, and we don’t want you to paint yourself into a corner. This also means you shouldn’t be checking in any changes you make with this Beta to your main test projects in source control. (Not using source control for your test projects? Please, stop reading and go get it set up. I’ll wait here.)