Telerik blogs

This Friday, June 25th, marks the start of <a href="" title="CodeStock 2010: The Year We Connect" id="m37-">CodeStock 2010: The Year We Connect. According to the CodeStock website, the theme for this year is about establishing connections. I am happy to announce that Telerik is a proud sponsor of CodeStock, and a few of us will be in attendance at the event. If you would like to establish a connection with us, please feel free to stop by our booth or attend one of our sessions.

I will be presenting two sessions at CodeStock, the first of which is called "Creating an Extensible Photo Application with MEF." In this session I will demonstrate how to create a simple plugin infrastructure using a new feature of .NET 4, the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). My second session is entitled, "iPhone or Windows Phone 7: How Do You Choose." During this session, I will demonstrate what the development experience is like on iPhone and Windows Phone 7. You won't want to miss this session, because at the end, I will be giving a free Telerik Premium Collection to one lucky winner!

CodeStock Sessions Links
Creating an Extensible Photo Application with MEF

Update: Want to Win an Xbox 360?!

Xbox 360Are you attending CodeStock 2010? Do you love playing the latest and greatest video games? Would you love playing these games on a shiny new Xbox 360? I'll give you a second to think about your answe- oh wait, your answer is yes? Somehow I thought that's what you'd say!

So, here's how you can enter for a chance to win an Xbox 360.

  1. Visit Telerik on Facebook:
  2. On the Telerik Facebook page, you will see the following post that actually refers back to this blog entry.
    Facebook Post
  3. Below the post, you will see a link that allows you to "Like" the post. By clicking this link, and in turn, liking the post, you will be entered for a chance to win an Xbox 360!

If you are chosen as the winner, we will contact you on Facebook to let you know! Good luck!

Please Note: You must be attending CodeStock for a chance to win!


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