Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    The RadControls for Windows Phone Showcase Series – part 1

    I cannot hide my excitement form the fact that even though RadControls for Windows Phone are still in a CTP stage, there are already a bunch of apps on the Windows Phone Marketplace, that are built with the suite. The application I’m showing you today is called HealthCaddy – your buddy if you are tracking health data points such as blood glucose, blood pressure and weight readings daily as part of your health and fitness goals. The main reading entry screen displays a quick snapshot of four most recent entries. Double-tap the graph and you’ll get to a full-screen version of the...
    January 06, 2011
  • Release

    Introducing the RadNumericUpDown Control for Windows Phone 7

    While developing the RadControls for Windows Phone 7 QSF we heavily discussed how the screen real estate should be organized so that we can display as much content as possible without losing on the UX front. We have many examples where user input is required which automatically implies increased amount of controls on the example page and thus leading to difficulties when optimally using the screen space. For instance, our Animation examples allow for adjusting animation parameters to better demonstrate functionality. At the beginning we implemented the input via TextBox elements: we allowed the user to type in the desired value, after that...
    December 13, 2010
  • Mobile

    RadControls for Windows Phone 7 – an in-depth comparison with MS Toolkit

    Many users have asked the question “What are the differences between your controls and their equivalents in the Microsoft’s Toolkit for WP7”. With this article I will try to give you a more detailed perception on the added value of RadControls for Windows Phone 7. Please note that this is “our” point of view and how we see the differences between our suite and the Toolkit. We by no means belittle the efforts of Microsoft’s team that created such a nice components package.  I will list only the components/features that are present both in Telerik’s suite and the Toolkit. All of the...
    December 10, 2010
  • Release

    First Look at Silverlight 5

    At a special Firestarter event (part of which was and Telerik with the new Silverlight client for Facebook called "f!acedeck"), Microsoft unveiled what the next version of Silverlight will include. All I can say is that it will be a huge release - both in terms of easing the developer lives and for enabling even more rich user experiences (in-the-browser and especially out-of-browser). We can divide the new features that are coming in the runtime in two categories - 1) new media features and 2) features that are focused towards business application development. New Media features Hardware Decode and presentation of H.264 improve performance for lower-power devices to render...
    December 02, 2010
  • Mobile

    Will you be watching the Silverlight Firestarter?

    Everyone that develops in Silverlight has seen a lot of activity around the technology lately, some good and some bad, but the message has been made loud and clear that Silverlight is here to stay.  So much so, in fact, that we're only a couple of days away from the Silverlight Firestarter, a full day packed full of education, resources, and some looks at the future of Silverlight: If you haven't registered yet, be sure to do so because seats are filling up fast.  The next thing you might be wondering... why is Telerik talking about the Silverlight Firestarter?  For starters,...
    November 30, 2010