Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 performance - emulator vs physical device

    Part I - App loading time There are a lot of speculations about how different is the execution speed of a Silverlight application when it runs in the WindowsPhone7 emulator and when it runs on the device. Now that we have the RTM devices, we can measure the actual difference! I've prepared 3 very simple WP7 applications: App1 (download). Application that just loads an empty phone application page. App2 (download). Application that loads a phone application page that contains a Pivot control with 2 items, and App3 (download). Application that loads a phone application page that contains a Panorama control with 2 items. I'm measuring the Application initial load time - in this case this is the time between creation...
    November 01, 2010
  • Mobile

    RadLoopingPanel – a look inside (or why Telerik’s RadDatePicker is the fastest date picker tool for Windows Phone 7)

    Everything in Windows Phone 7 is Content and Motion. Both of these key Metro parts are combined with a blazing fast performance and unmatched responsiveness throughout the entire OS. Same must be true for all custom applications – no room for performance compromises. And that is why one of the major focuses of the entire development process of RadControls for WP7 is performance. We are even ready to delay some features for a next release for the sake of being feather-light and as fast as possible. As I explained in this blog post, from the very beginning we tried to reuse the...
    October 29, 2010
  • People

    DevConnections 2010 Update (Did someone say Windows Phone 7?)

    Since I can now officially talk about the secret behind the Telerik Vendor session at DevConnections 2010 in Las Vegas next week... yes, the "unannounced extras" will be licenses for our Windows Phone 7 controls!  That's right, by being one of the first 50 people to the Telerik session on Tuesday night (first in the list below), you get a free license for RadControls for Silverlight and RadControls for Windows Phone 7.  The demo that I'll be presenting will cover using the RadControls for Silverlight suite as well as the just-today-announced RadControls for Windows Phone CTP, so you can see the latest...
    October 28, 2010
  • Web

    Blend, DevConnections, and Lighting Up The Web

    Hey Telerik Developers! I wanted to write a slightly out-of-band post to mention some of the speaking engagements that I will have over the next few months, covering a wide range of topics in the Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 space. First up, Telerik is pleased to host Expression Blend for Silverlight Developers, a one hour webinar being presented on October 21st aimed at helping the Telerik Developer Community (and for that matter, everyone using Silverlight, WPF, or Windows Phone 7) to learn a little bit more about Expression Blend and how it can fit into our daily development workflows.  You can...
    October 06, 2010
  • People

    Following up from New England Code Camp 14

    Hey Telerik Developer Community!  If you are in the northeastern US (or even further, if you look at the speakers!), then you probably spent this past Saturday afternoon at New England Code Camp 14 for a day jam packed with great topics and conversations. I was able to present Building a Unified Experience - Developing with Silverlight 4 and Windows Phone 7 at NECC and had a great time of it- the audience seemed to get into the talk as well with tons of questions regarding the framework, the future of WP7, and the launch that we all know is coming...
    October 05, 2010