Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Improved Upgrade Wizard

    When creating our Visual Studio Extensions, accelerating development with our components has been the number one goal. One of the VS Extensions’ core components is the Upgrade Wizard. The task it was designed to fulfill is making the mundane job of updating your projects faster and easier. As the Upgrade Wizard has been in the wild for quite some time now, we’ve received a lot of feedback from customers using our various products. Even though it has been doing a pretty good job, there is always room for improvement. The two most popular feature requests were: Add support for upgrading Class Library...
  • Release

    New Visual Studio Extensions for the Telerik RadControls - Windows Phone

      We are happy to let you know that Telerik released new Visual Studio Extension for RadControls for Windows Phone 7 Q2 2011. This means VSX Team now supports Visual Studio Extensions for all Telerik UI Components! If you create Windows Phone 7 applications using the new Visual Studio Extension everything will be configured automatically for you. If you want to install new version you don’t need to browse with hours any more just use Upgrade Wizard and it will find latest version and download it. Now I will give you more detailed information on how to use this new Visual Studio Extension for...
  • Web

    Silverlight is Dead, Long Live XAML

      by Stephen Forte (This article is a re-post from the Stephen Forte's Blog)   A few weeks ago I was in the Telerik cafeteria at our world headquarters in Sofia, Bulgaria, and a colleague walked up to me and asked: "Is Silverlight dead?" I replied: "No, but it has seen better days." Since Silverlight's absence from last year's Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in Redmond, WA, the infamous "our strategy has shifted" comment made by Microsoft Server and Tools Division President Bob Muglia, Scott Guthrie's move out of DevDiv, and the recent reorg of the XAML team, the community has been in an uproar assuming that Silverlight...
    July 08, 2011
  • Mobile

    RadListPicker for Windows Phone 7 greatly optimized

    A while ago, when we were designing the architecture of RadListPicker for Windows Phone, we thought that the most common scenario to use the control is with 5 – 20 items at most. That is why we decided not to implement any virtualization techniques and all the items, both in the inline and the popup parts were realized upon control load. The user feedback however was different – we received many requests for a faster list picker, which can easily deal with 50 – 250 or even more items. And we listened to our users – as of Q2 2011 our...
  • Productivity

    The Importance of Good Tools

    Making a slight deviation from the more code-happy posts I normally do, I want to take a chance to talk about something which is very important to .Net developers, specifically those of us working in the Xaml space – the importance of tooling in a development environment. (Hint, the above image was edited using a Telerik Xaml tool!) Good Tools As developers, these help us to create better products, internal applications, and websites.  With them we can achieve better results faster, complete with more code coverage for tests and better looking UIs on top of it all, all while making a more efficient...
    July 01, 2011