Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    The Financial Face of RadChart for Windows Phone

    The Q3 2011 BETA release of RadControls for Windows Phone is on its way (expected within several days) and I cannot wait to share what’s new in our charting component. Along with several important bug fixes reported by our users, two brand new series that bring the financial charting to your applications are included. Candlestick series According to Wikipedia, these series are used primarily to describe price movements of derivatives or currency over time. Supporting true UI virtualization, the series are capable of displaying thousands of data points. Using the Pan-And-Zoom behavior you can move through the timeline to a certain time slot...
    October 24, 2011
  • Mobile

    RadChart for Windows 8 WinRT – Taking its First Breath

    This is part three of the RadChart for WinRT blog series. For more information please refer to the other parts of the series: Part one - A Prelude Part two - The Compilation   Okay, we have already compiled our Windows Phone Chart under WinRT (refer to the previous post). The whole process went pretty straightforward and took less than an hour. Now, let’s move on with setting-up a demo project with a simple chart in it to verify the compilation and to check for some hidden exceptions. The steps are well familiar: File->New Project->Visual C#->Windows Metro Style->Application. Adding the reference to our freshly compiled...
    October 13, 2011
  • Web

    RadBulletGraph Architecture and Features

    We introduced RadBulletGraph beta in the Q2 2011 SP1 release with the idea that the sooner we release a stable product the more time we will have to polish it and even implement user requirements before the final version. With this blog post I will explain how RadBulletGraph is structured internally and how this internal structure enables the features that it currently supports. With this in mind I kindly ask you, dear reader, to give your opinion on RadBulletGraph, to tell us what else you need or what can be done in a better way so that we can provide the best...
    October 07, 2011
  • Desktop

    RadChart for Windows 8 WinRT – The Compilation

    This is part two of the RadChart for WinRT blog series. For more information please refer to the other parts of the series: Part one - A Prelude Part three - Taking its First Breath   Now that we have successfully ported our Windows Phone Chart to WinRT I will share some tips and tricks about the whole process and what is different compared to Silverlight and WPF regarding code behind and XAML compilation. Code behind namespaces Both logical and visual tree hierarchies of Dependency Objects now reside in new namespaces and the old ones like System.Windows.Controls do not exist. This automatically breaks any existing C#/VB code. SL/WPF UI namespaces...
    October 07, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    Boldly Looking Forward with Silverlight, WPF, WP7, and Xaml

    Now that the dust has settled from Build, we’re all back to our day jobs and still working on the same Silverlight, WPF, and Windows Phone projects that we were working on before Build. As you might have read from Todd, Doug, Vassil, Steve, or Silverlight experts like Jeremy, Dan, and Laurent, the sky has in fact not fallen and the future for .Net development on the non-Metrofied Windows 8 desktop is alive and well.  On top of that, since most of us are working on projects in the here and now and want support for multiple versions of...
    October 05, 2011