Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Benefits from Telerik and Visual Studio Online Gallery in VS2010

    With the VSIX deployment in Visual Studio 2010 the world become a better place for developers – we are now able to add small tools to our IDEs and customize them the way we want with just a few megs of download from the Online Gallery. If we don’t use the tool for some time and we don’t want it to eat some of our PC resources we can just disable it through the Extension Manager. If we don’t like a tool we can simply remove it. The VSIX deployment guarantees that a tool is uninstallable, as the deployment is...
  • Release

    Mix10 is in history, Windows Phone 7 is here!

    MIX10 was really a fantastic conference for Telerik! We had great talks, many customers stopped by our booth and we've got a lot of great feedback for our Silverlight Controls. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your opinion! So now, that the MIX is over, there is one question left: What Telerik will develop for the Windows Phone 7? We had this question on the booth over and over again and it is no doubt that the WP7 development is a hot topic now. All we can say at this moment is that Yes, we are looking into this and we actually have some of...
    March 18, 2010
  • People

    The Telerik Menu

    The Telerik Visual Studio Extensions are now included in the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and RadControls for Silverlight installers in order to make the development of applications with Telerik RadControls faster and easier. The main entry point for the Visual Studio Extensions is the Telerik menu. It is context sensitive and changes its state depending on the projects you are working on. 1) Create New Telerik Project menu item This state can be observed when no solution is opened or the currently selected project is not suitable for use with RadControls. Using the Create New Telerik Project menu item you can create a new Telerik Project with...
    November 13, 2009
  • Release

    Upgrade Wizard: auto-upgrades and more

    Developers (yours truly included) often hate it when there is a need to deal with an external tool to accomplish a simple task. The upgrade process of RadControls seems such a task – you need to start a browser, open the Telerik website, login to your account, navigate to the Downloads section, download the installer and run it. Even more - if you want to keep updated you need to either check your RSS reader or e-mail, or refresh the Downloads page when you’re eagerly waiting for a new version.   One of the new features in the RadControls for ASP.NET...
    October 26, 2009