Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Building a Windows Phone 7 control from the ground up - Part Two - the “Date ListBox”

    The next interesting part of building a Windows Phone 7 DatePicker control is the Date ListBox. That is a ListBox which should meet the following requirements: Can display in a human readable manner one of the three Date components: Day, Month and Year Should be “Infinite” – as discussed in my previous post. Should use data virtualization (to be most efficient). As you can see our “Infinite ListBox” project now comes in hand. The last two of the upper requirements are already implemented and all we need to do is to implement a special VirtualizedDataItem<DateTime> that provides the needed information to bind to. For a...
    September 02, 2010
  • Mobile

    Building a Windows Phone 7 control from the ground up - Part one - the “Infinite ListBox”

    One of the coolest things in every new developer platform is the challenge to master the entire framework in a way that enables you to create high quality, greatly optimized controls that behave in exactly the same way a user would expect to. Yesterday Microsoft announced that more than 300 000 developers have already downloaded the WP7 Developer Tools Beta. Based entirely on Silverlight, phone development has never been easier and more fun than in the Windows Phone 7 environment. With these series of blogs I want to reveal some tricky moments in developing a simple DatePicker control for WP7....
    August 31, 2010
  • Web

    Jump-start using Telerik RadControls

    Or the quickest way to acquire and start utilizing RadControls Okay, I’m throwing it out: With Visual Studio 2010 on your machine and a Telerik account, you can set up a project utilizing the latest RadControls in less than two minutes. Here is how: Start Visual Studio 2010 Launch the Extension Manager and navigate to the Online Gallery tab Search for Telerik VSExtensions Install the VSExtensions you’re interested in. For the time being there are four of them: WebUI ( RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX ), Silverlight ( RadControls for Silverlight ), WPF ( RadControls for WPF ) and WinForms ( RadControls for WinForms ). VSExtensions for ASP.NET MVC are in production and will be published...
  • Release

    Visual Studio Extensions Q2 2010 Highlights

    At Telerik we take great pride in having the most comprehensible component suites on the market. We always strive to make our components easier and more pleasant to work with. When we first released the Visual Studio Extensions, we made a commitment to make being successful with our components as easy as possible. Here are some of my favorite new features: Keeping up to date In the past we offered a possibility to upgrade your existing projects using the latest versions available through our website. In addition to that functionality, we now let you check for new versions whenever you are...
  • Release

    Downloaded a new version? What&rsquo;s that?

    Some of you already noticed new versions of RadControls are available on the Telerik website and were able to download them to their machines. There is nothing to worry about – it is just the official Q2 2010 release coming out: we are in the final release phase and the official news are about to come in an hour or so.   In other words, having the VSExtensions added to your IDE not only eases the RadControls project creation/configuration/upgrade, but from time to time can give you an hour or two heads-up with the newly expected release.   If you just can’t wait for the new releases (like...