Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #3 - More RadJumpList

    Picking up where we left off in the previous post, we are working in a new project that will accommodate all of the controls we highlight throughout this entire series, with the hub of our navigation being a RadJumpList instance.  The next step we have is to add some style to our RadJumpList in order to both take advantage of the built-in functionality and to make it look like a more inviting navigation experience. Step 1 – Adding an ItemTemplate One of the huge advantages of any listbox-type control is the ability to style the individual items.  RadJumpList is no different, allowing...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #2 - RadJumpList

    After finishing the previous post, I realize something important – I would rather use RadJumpList than RadDataBoundListBox for my navigation in this application, simply because the “People Hub” type of experience is much cooler than a plain old listbox, regardless of how impressive the performance is.  We are also going to reconsider our MyItem and turn it into something a little more exciting – MyMVVMItem!  This will allow us to do add every new demo as an individual item, complete with a field for grouping, a friendly name, and a backing field for the name of the page that we...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 MVVM #1 – RadDataBoundListBox

    Today we are going to be starting a fun new series that introduces you to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern with Windows Phone 7.  I am going to be using MVVM Light as my framework of choice, since it fits all my requirements and is amazingly easy to use, but if you want to check out another alternative feel free to tune into Bill Moore presenting on Windows Phone 7 and MVVM with Caliburn.Micro as part of our Windows Phone Wednesdays event.    The first step in this series involves doing two things – getting the latest and greatest copies of the Telerik...
  • Mobile

    Windows Phone 7 Wednesdays by Telerik

    Hey everyone!  I'm happy to announce that Telerik is going to be hosting a 100% free, 100% awesome webinar series on some hot Windows Phone 7 development topics.  We've got Telerik Developer Evangelists, Microsoft MVPs, and up-and-coming community influencers (one of which happens to be from the Telerik Insiders), all presenting webinars for you to get up to speed with the platform and the latest and greatest programming techniques out there, all from the comfort of your desk. Starting Wednesday, May 18th at 11am, tune in every Wednesday for four weeks to take in these great presentations.  Happen to attend?  You...
  • Mobile

    Creating Validation with RadDatePicker and RadWindow for WP7

    When allowing users to select a date value in your applications, one of the obvious issues is ensuring that they aren’t allowed to pick a value like December 24th, 563.  Thankfully, the developers for our Windows Phone team have incorporated some properties to help prevent this.  Step 1 – Min and Max Value Properties The easy way to make this happen is to simply set a MinValue and MaxValue.  In our scenario, we will say that we are scheduling appointments for some event in the future, therefore we can easily set out MinValue and MaxValue either via Xaml: <telerikInput:RadDatePicker x:Name="xRadDatePicker"                             Grid.Row="1"                             VerticalAlignment="Center"                             MinValue="5-6-2011"                             MaxValue="11-6-2011"/>   Or since we can’t hard-code a...