Telerik blogs

Performance testing goals seek to answer questions regarding server processing, and client response times for a single user. The primary goal of performance testing is to tune the system to achieve maximum performance, [e.g. execute a given amount of work (transactions) in the least amount of time (transactions per second (TPS)]. 

Test Studio, from Telerik, has long been capable of performance testing. Any Test Studio functional test can also be used as a performance test. To execute a performance test in Test Studio, there are just three steps: 1) Create or select an existing web functional test that satisfies the test scenario criteria, e.g. user actions, and or transactions to be executed, and open that test. 2) Configure performance test properties such as; location to store results; select the computer to collect performance metrics from. 3) Execute (run) the performance test.

After the web functional test is selected and opened, the ‘Performance’ tab is selected and the user is presented with a ‘Welcome’ dialog window.

Welcome to Performance Testing dialog window

Clicking the ‘Configure’ icon, invokes the Configure dialog window where the location of test results are configured.

The user may then click the link to step 2, which invokes the ‘2 Gather computer performance data’ dialog window.

When the check box, Gather performance data, is checked, then the ‘Add a computer’ button is clicked to invoke the dialog window to enter (server(s)) computers from which to collect performance metrics.

On this dialog window a ‘friendly’ computer name should be entered and then the computer name or IP should be entered in the ‘Computer Name/IP:’ text box. Finally the ‘Connect’ button can be clicked to verify the data entered, and enable selection of performance counters for the selected computer.

After the desired metrics are selected, click the ‘Done Editing’ button. At this point additional servers or computers to collect metrics from may be added and configured, or the user may click the ‘Save’ button to complete step 2 Configuration.

The performance test is now ready to run by simply clicking the ‘Quick Run’ icon.

In part II, I will discuss performance testing results analysis and correlation of performance metrics gathered during the test.

Now, in the Test Studio 2012 R1 release, load testing has been added to the capabilities of Test Studio! Which is another topic entirely.  

Through load and or performance vulnerabilities of software comes financial vulnerabilities of the company which both directly affects company financials and customer satisfaction.



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