Now that we have a new Load Testing architecture, we're re-organizing the troubleshooting articles to bring everything up to speed. Most of the old issues with load have been resolved. For those that remain, we're creating new articles to help you resolve them more easily.
First, if you don't get any load traffic when making requests to localhost, use the machine name or IP address. Simple. Next, some load tests still record duplicate dynamic targets. While there's no way to avoid this, you can make sure to select the repeated variable in all steps it is used in.
Also, we have a new troubleshooting article for scheduled tests that throw a 'Does not exist in current context' error. Those of you who are scheduling remote execution of tests with custom utility classes may encounter this issue. Lastly, our guide to Opening a TFS-Controlled Project now displays the updated UI for this feature.
If you have suggestions for documentation, visit the Feedback Portal, and check back for more updates to the docs for Test Studio Load Testing.