[Updated: Fixed a pasting error]
Earlier today I posted up a video on Telerik TV: Five in Five. It’s five things I love about Test Studio in five minutes. (Well, the video is 5:54 long, so it’s not quite six minutes which means it’s still five minutes. Mostly.)
My five favorite things about Test Studio are:
- The Element Repository. Centralized, managed handling of element locators? Sign me up. This is perhaps my most favorite part of Test Studio.
- Flexible find logic. Yes, you can write various Xpath selectors in WebDriver, Watir, or other tools, but Test Studio’s chained find expressions give you a simple, flexible way to find data within grids, trees, or the overall page. I even did a separate video just on this!
- Drop to code when needed. Yes, Test Studio does a great job of recording and playing back tests for you-in a maintable fashion, even. Still, any project of significance will require you to get in to code for one reason or another. Test Studio makes it easy to extend your tests exactly where you need to.
- Multiple Browser Support. Record once, play across Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. No changing of scripts required!
- Ease of interacting with elements. It’s a snap to find elements on the DOM or view and quickly add verifications or dive into inspect properties of the elements. Grabbing InnerText, InnerMarkup, and similar properties is as easy as using pull-down menus in the UI or exposed methods/properties from within coded steps.
There you have it. Watch the video and see my five favorite things in action!
What are some of your favorite things about Test Studio?
About the author
Jim Holmes
Jim Holmes has around 25 years IT experience. He is co-author of "Windows Developer Power Tools" and Chief Cat Herder of the CodeMash Conference. He's a blogger and evangelist for Telerik’s Test Studio, an awesome set of tools to help teams deliver better software. Find him as @aJimHolmes on Twitter.