Telerik blogs

Good web automation isn’t about best practices (there aren’t any!), but instead using much more of a cookbook approach: Have a problem? Find a recipe that helps you cook up a solution. The recipe you might need may not be a huge flambé, but the idea’s still a good one.


To help you with this we’ve decided to start a monthly webinar series showing you how to work through specific issues in web automation: Cooking With Web Automation. Your friendly Test Studio team will be co-hosting these webinars with various automation, testing, and/or developer gurus.

We’ll focus these short 30 minute webinars on working with one specific problem, and show you a number of ways to solve it. You’ll also see recipes based on a broad number of tools, not just Test Studio. This will help you understand automation in a critical, broader context.

Our first installment will be JQuery UI Menus.

We have reached the point where tricks and patterns for proper element discovery, synchronization and code organization are starting to repeat themselves. But what we don't have are specific 'recipes' for dealing with the more complex automation challenges that people encounter each day. Join Adam Goucher [Element 34] and Jim Holmes [Telerik] for a 30 minute webinar on 21 June at 11:30 US Eastern as they wrestle JQuery UI's Menu widget.

What are you waiting for? Go register now!

Do you have particular problems you’d like us to cook up a session for?

About the author

Jim Holmes

Jim Holmes

has around 25 years IT experience. He's a blogger and is the Director of Engineering for Telerik’s Test Studio, an awesome set of tools to help teams deliver better software. He is co-author of "Windows Developer Power Tools" and Chief Cat Herder of the CodeMash Conference. Find him as @aJimHolmes on Twitter.

Interested in chatting with Jim at a conference? Check out his speaking schedule!


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