Telerik blogs

Our brand new SP release (2012.R2 SP1) has just been made available on our website. Go ahead and download it from your Telerik account if you haven't done so already. It introduces a lot of improvements and fixes to the product to make your user experience better. Here's the full list in case you're interested.

One of the new things we've introduced really stands out (when you consider this is not a major release). It's something that has been heavily requested by our customers. Can you guess what it is? (hint: refer to the title of this blog post). That's right! You now have a lot of control on the format/content of the email results that our Scheduling engine sends. For those of you that don't know: Test Studio can be configured to automatically trigger test runs and automatically send you the results via email. Now you can customize the content of the emails through a new GUI screen.

Some of ramifications of this new email feature:

  • Word/Excel format for attachments means you no longer need a Test Studio instance to view the results
  •  Email recipients persist so you no longer need to manually type in the same addresses a gazillion times
  • Customizable subject so you can customize the subject

Your feedback is very important to us when deciding what to work on next. And as you can see we're ready to deliver a feature if your requested so please continue to do so in the future. We really appreciate it!

A second thing that's probably worth a mention is that you can now get your updates directly from Test Studio's GUI. Take a look at the Help tab in Test Studio's GUI after you upgrade. You will find a brand new button there:

So there you have it! Check out our new SP!

About the author

Stoil Stoichev

Stoil Stoychev

has been helping customers solve their complex testing challenges leveraging his in-depth knowledge of Telerik Test Studio. He has traveled the globe fine-tuning his technical expertise and helping our valued clients succeed. In his spare time he enjoys motorcycles, live music and various sports.


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