Desktop Test Automation Official v.1.0
- Application visual tree (DOM) explorer viewer.
- Step builder added to the Advanced Recording Tools inside the test Recorder.
- Added support for launching applications by Application User Model ID (Windows Store Applications, UWP, MAUI, etc.)
- Enabled desktop testing in the Visual Studio plugin.
- Improved performace of desktop test execution.
- Convert to code option for recorded steps.
New projects use extensionless browser test recording and execution by default.
Improved test execution stability. Real browser actions support WaitUntilReady and AutoRefresh.
Enter Text step can type commas during extensionless browser execution.
Improved visiblity of text in Create Test as Step dialog in dark theme.
Improved visiblity of highlighted compilation error in the Output pane.
Correct minor version is shown in Test Studio.
Web: Click steps with "SimulateRealClick" property enabled which close the browser window now require "ClosesBrowser" property to also be enabled. The same behavior can be achieved in code by calling "ActiveBrowser.Desktop.DisableAutoDomRefresh()" before such click actions.
Desktop testing, Framework : Child windows are no longer detected in DesktopApplication.Windows collection.
Desktop testing, Framework : Desktop element Enabled property renamed to IsEnabled.