New Recorder - Test Studio's recorder has been reworked to simplify and improve the end-user experience, boost element highlighting/selection performance and translator recognition logic speed.
Blazor support - Added and/or improved the recording and execution for the following Kendo Blazor controls:
• DropDownList
• ComboBox
• Drawer
• Grid
• ListView
• MultiSelect
• TabStrip
• TextBox
• Window
Dark Theme – Choose between the ‘Light’ and the new ‘Dark’ user interface theme mode via the Project Settings menu.
Scheduling: Added MongoDB status reporting in the UI.
Dialogs: Added support for the latest Edge Chromium download dialog.
Dialogs: Fixed an issue with 'onBeforeUnload' handling in Chrome and Edge Chromium.
UI: Fixed an issue with 'Recent Projects' list not being properly updated.
Load: Fixed 'Post' data issues related to 'Dynamic Target' not being set during execution.
Load: Fixed URL 'Dynamic Target' bind to be resolved in the succeeding requests.
Find Expressions: Fixed an issue that was causing particular user-inputted expression to be treated as 'data-bound'.
Fixed CaptureBrowser() on Firefox with Windows 10 version 2004 now working as expected