- Mobile (iOS native applications) Record and Playback with Test Studio
- New "Welcome View"
- Tests View: Predefined Layout Options
- Original Test Studio Sample Project Persistence
- UI Improvements Across Test Studio IDE.
- Framework Firefox: Firefox execution intermittently fails with "Preparing browser... "
- Framework Chrome: Chrome execution fails navigate step for specific website (Chrome Playback extension updated to Chrome Web Store)
- Execution Firefox: Error Telerik.TestingFramework.Hosts.Manager has stopped working
- Execution Web: System.InvalidOperationException when ClearBeforeTyping is checked for KendoInputValue
- Load: Load test with version=1 cookie may result in "Message: The 'Domain'='xxxx.xxxx.xxxx' part of the cookie is invalid."
- Project Explorer: Copying parent folder into a child is allowed producing error and creating a lot of redundant nested folders
- Recording Chrome/Firefox: Load page may hang Test Studio when the page has incorrect URI
- Recording Chrome: Chrome recorder hangs after run to here in customer specific application (Chrome Recorder extension updated to Chrome Web Store)
- Recording WPF: Recording hangs issues with specific customer application
- Reports View: Possible unhandled exception on drill down from report to results
- Scheduling: Tests called via ExecuteTest within a coded test may not have been uploaded to storage
- Tests View: Undocking pinned panel throws unhandled exception
- TFS Integration: Error about loading TeamFoundation.Client when connecting to TFS on specific environment
- Visual Studio: Recapture storyboard in Visual Studio does not work for web tests
- Test Studio Functional is renamed to Web & Desktop
- Visual Studio 2010 support is deprecated, will be removed in R3'15.