- Option to run selected test step in Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- 'Edit element'/'Edit in Live' Elements Explorer options in Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- Jira bug tracking built-in plug-in
- 'Restore' references option in Settings - Script Options
- 'Change browser state' codeless step option for Web tests
- Clear cache files command support for Chrome playback
- 'Clear Cache' codeless step for web tests, extended the 'Clear Cookies' to support browser history and temp files clean-up
- Added pop-up connect step new property 'InitializationTimeIE' for handling specific po-pups in Internet Explorer
- Added VisualFind.ByBaseType() method for Silverlight and WPF frameworks to return the first element by base interface type
- Extended the SetText action in Silverlight/WPF with ClearCurrentText property.
- Browser calibration: Chrome 35 calibration fails
- Code generation: Cannot create coded step for tests named like "#201 My Test"
- Code generation: Customize step in code for text content with comma throws index out of range exception
- Dialog Handling: Alert dialog is not handled in Chrome using unit test
- Dialog handling: Unable to handle a dialog if it loses the focus
- Elements Explorer: PrimaryTarget change is ignored in custom scenarios due to incorrect elements load
- Elements Explorer: Cannot change PrimaryTarget of a Wait For Exists step
- Execution Command Line: Compiling the project from command line run is significantly slower for large project
- Execution Remote List: Run remotely more than 1 tests in performance test list fails and breaks execution
- Execution Web: PopupWaitTimeout doesn't respect if the pop-up is displayed
- Execution Web: Tagged frame breaks execution for a step referring the frame in code
- Framework: Out of memory exception in Log.CaptureDesktop() scenario
- Framework: Unhelpful error for locked machine execution exception
- Framework Chrome: Disable web security dialog is not handled in latest Chrome 34 update
- Framework Chrome: Cannot handle a logon dialog in latest Chrome 34 update
- Framework Chrome: Handle download dialog with SAVE option fails in latest Chrome 34 update
- Framework Chrome: NoClickablePointException in latest Chrome 34 update
- Framework Chrome: COM exception "Re-Entrant CheckInit() call, aborting" on specific environment
- Framework Chrome: Click steps are failing with Timeout exception for customer web site in Chrome
- Framework Internet Explorer: Button click fails to find element inside pop-up in IE9 and IE10
- Framework Internet Explorer: IE DeleteHistory throwing NullReference on a custom environment
- Framework Firefox: Logon dialog handling problems with latest FF 28 and 29
- Framework Firefox: Unable to handle more than a single dialog after dialog handle
- Framework Firefox: ClearHistory throws exception in Firefox
- Load Testing: Text is incorrect for default number of available Virtual Users
- Load Testing: Load test sends incorrect cookie value in event of two cookies with same name
- Load Testing: Load test does not properly discard cookies
- Load Testing: Load test dynamic cookie support does not use proper path
- Load Testing: Load test does not update cookies if Domain contains leading dot
- Load Testing: Multi-part form uploads corrupted due to missing ending characters
- Load Testing: Importing Fiddler log sets timers incorrectly
- Manual Testing: Running manual test list can lead to high memory consumption
- Manual Testing: "Manual:" is always added to step description when editing existing manual test step after restart
- Manual Testing: Missing scrolling in the Manual Runner List dialog
- Project View: Fix closing the test properties inspector dialog always marks the test dirty
- Project View: Property change doesn't update the test details
- Project View: Removing assembly reference from 'Script Options' change is not persisted
- Recording: Add independent element to test doesn't mark test as changed
- Reporting: Save Comment does not save the comment any longer after the first attempt
- Recording Chrome: Recording issues for customer web site in Chrome
- Recording Internet Explorer: Typing is recorded on wrong element if typed fast and tab is used to switch between fields
- Results View: Resolving failure with change element in multiple tests scenario can cause unhandled exception
- Results View: Result from local scheduled run will not appear after reload
- Scheduling: Scheduling service API documentation does not open
- Silverlight Recording and Playback: SL application crash in case of inability to load 3rd party assembly
- TeamPulse Integration: Acceptance criteria in Bug type item in TP breaks following ACs
- Test Lists: Remote run dialog doesn't list the machines for the run
- Test Lists: Cannot invoke Schedule TestList again in case of compilation errors if the user cancelled scheduling the first time
- Test Lists: Multiple Test List execution starts all runs immediately
- Test Lists: Manual test list can be executed only once
- Test View: Unhandled exception opening test if the previous had in-line editor open
- TFS: Checking-in for a large project is significantly slower
- TFS: Unclear exception message on environments missing Visual Studio or Team Explorer
- VS Plug-in: Backup 0.0 is created in a specific case where a VS project is locked in another workspace
- VS Plug-in: Recording adds steps to the wrong test in case of two open tests in VS for IE8 and IE10
- VS Plug-in: With RecycleBrowser turned on trace of all tests is written in one and the same result
- VS Plug-in: VS 2013 packages have wrong versions
- Local test list execution no longer depends on the scheduling unless a load test is added
- Test list execution doesn't allow runs in case of project compile errors any more
- Test Lists settings' UnexpectedDialogAction defaults to 'DoNotHandle'
- Bug Tracking: IBugTracker.SubmitBug() return type is changed from "int" to "string" to ease the support of custom bug trackers
- XAML API: ITextBox.SetText method adds an extra parameter - bool clearCurrentText.