ChromeHeadless hot-fix updater inside Test Studio (receive ChromeHeadless functionality hot fixes without installing full Test Studio build)
End of Support for Visual Studio 2012/13
FindExpression: "FrameInfo" objects are considered equal when their id, name and src match. This improves element merging and creation of duplicated frame nodes is being avoided
Dialogs: Fixed Download dialogs in EdgeChromium 91
Dialogs: Fixed Alert, Confirm, Prompt, OnBeforeUnload not working in FireFox 89 for recording and execution
Execution: Wait.ForExists step does not record image
Browsers: Cookies' "Expires" property should be converted to UTC instead of Local time
VisualStudio: Added ChromeHeadless option to TestExplorer's toolbar
Frames: Fix Frames tagging not working in some cases
CodeGen: Fixed convert to code real type text action step for frame generating wrong code and failing on execution at .SetText() command
LoadTesting: Leaving the FieldName empty for URL type doesn't pass the dynamic value
LoadTesting: Adding a dynamic target to redirect a URL causes the 'UserBindInfo' to disappear