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WebAii Can't Find Chrome

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Philip asked on 26 Feb 2013, 01:13 AM
I am running into a baffling error.

Test Error : WebAiiExercises.ChromeTests.TestingBase.SimpleTest
System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Chrome browser is not installed on this machine
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.BrowserSpecialized.Chrome.ChromeActions.LaunchNewBrowserInstance(Manager manager)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Manager.LaunchNewBrowser(BrowserType browserToLaunch, Boolean waitForBrowserToConnect, ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle, String arguments)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Manager.LaunchNewBrowser(BrowserType browserToLaunch, Boolean waitForBrowserToConnect, ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle)
at WebAiiExercises.TestingBase.SimpleTest()

So the question is: how is it looking for and not finding my Chrome browser? How can I work around this or tell it where to look?

I have done several things already, and nothing has worked so far.
1) I upgraded to the latest Telerik framework 2012.2.1204 version and recompile
2) I have downgraded to the 2012.1.719.0 version and recompiled
3) I have installed Google Chrome both through the automatic web installer and by downloading an MSI and installing that way (and then reinstallaed first the 2012.1.719 version, and then upgraded to the 2012.2.1204 version.

Still WebAii is absolutely baffled as to where Chrome is and assumes it isn't there at all. Even though I have made sure that in each of those cases that the Telerik TestStudio extension was both installed and enabled.

Nothing has worked. I am still getting that error.

Please help.

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answered on 26 Feb 2013, 08:38 PM

I have figured this out on my own and wanted to share the results with you just in case this comes up for others.

When I installed Chrome on the target machine, I had Administrative Rights to that particular box and the install occurred into the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
directory. Telerik was looking for Chrome in
and thus did not see it as it was installed for everyone.

I ended up having to do two things to work around this:

1. Copy the contents of the directory in Program Files to the user directory

2. Uninstall Google Chrome (using the Control Panel)

Without uninstalling Google Chrome (the administrative in-the-program-files-directory install) Chrome would start, but immediately stop with a dialog stating that an administrator had installed a version for everyone that would now start...but which never did.

Hopefully, this is an issue that will be remedied in the next update!

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