Test Studio Crashes in Angular 14

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Ian asked on 23 Aug 2022, 09:21 PM
Overall Result: Fail
'2022-08-23 2:18:39 PM' - Executing test: 'Login', path: 'Steps\Login.tstest.'
'2022-08-23 2:18:39 PM' - Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.42000' for test execution. Build version is '2022.2.804.0'.
'2022-08-23 2:18:39 PM' - Starting execution....
'2022-08-23 2:18:41 PM' - Using 'Chrome', UseExtension: 'True', version '' as default browser. 
'2022-08-23 2:18:41 PM' - Using Telerik Components Version: 'R32021'
'2022-08-23 2:18:41 PM' - Using 'https://localhost:7001' as base url.
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - 'Pass' : 1. Navigate to : '/'
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - 'Fail' : 2. KendoAngularTextBox value 'ivink' entered.
Failure Information: 
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Telerik.TestingFramework.Controls.KendoUI.Angular.Input.KendoAngularInput.set_Text(String value)
   at Telerik.TestStudio.Translators.KendoUI.Angular.Input.ActionDescriptors.BaseSetTextActionDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser, KendoAngularInput input)
   at Telerik.TestStudio.Translators.KendoUI.Angular.Input.ActionDescriptors.TextBoxTypeActionDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Extensibility.HtmlActionDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost autoHost)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order)
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=False' aborting test execution.
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - Overall Result: Fail
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - Duration: [0 min: 1 sec: 649 msec]
'2022-08-23 2:18:43 PM' - Test completed!

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Aug 2022, 09:19 AM

Hello Ian,

Based on the private communication threads about this issue, we managed to sort it out. It turned out that you need to change the version of translators used in the testing project based on the mapping available online

Along with that you enabled the AjaxTimeouts for some of the steps to handle this sort of communication to the application server. 

Don't hesitate to follow up on this thread if necessary. Thank you for your time and cooperation in our discussion.

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