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'Tag collection is either empty or has less elements' after Customize step in code

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Alan asked on 12 Mar 2013, 03:37 PM

In several instances, I have needed to enter DateTime.Now.ToString() into a textbox, so I would initially record step to "enter text 'alan' into txtComment" and then customize that step in code.  I use to have success in this, but within the past few months, I have not.  I have even tried converting the step without modifying anything and I receive the same error.  Below is what I have tried so far.  We are using version 2012.2.1420.

Pages...txtComment.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
Actions.SetText(Pages...txtComment, DateTime.Now.ToString());

As stated above, when simply converting the step to code, the test fails:

Actions.SetText(Pages...txtComment, "alan");

I know this is very simple to do, so I must be overlooking something.


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Telerik team
answered on 15 Mar 2013, 04:35 PM
Hello Alan,

I'm sorry you're running into this difficulty. In general, the approach you used should work. For example, after navigating to, the coded step:

// Enter current date and time in 'SbFormQText'
Pages.Bing.SbFormQText.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();

enters a current date string into the Bing search field. Likewise with:

// Enter current date and time in 'SbFormQText'
Actions.SetText(Pages.Bing.SbFormQText, DateTime.Now.ToString());

Please provide more information on the error you receive, as well as a sample test project that produces the behavior, and we will help you resolve this issue.
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the Telerik team
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answered on 17 Apr 2013, 08:29 PM
Apologies for the delayed response...thanks for the info, but I am still experiencing the issue.  I will submit a ticket.

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