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Selecting Checkboxes dynamically based on the name of the element

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Anand asked on 21 Apr 2014, 11:23 AM
Consider a scenario, we have a table of elements with check boxes beside each element and I want to select/click/check on one of the one of the items(element). This selection should be dyanamic i.e. user should be able to select the element of his or her choice depending upon the name(text) of the element.   
(Please see Screenshot - Checkboxes.jpg to this thread)

I have earlier worked on Selenium Web driver and I found these things were pretty easy to perform in selenium. I hope it will be same here and with some guidance from your team, I will be able to perform all these actions.

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answered on 24 Apr 2014, 10:40 AM
Hello Anand,

Yes this is pretty easy to achieve with Test Studio.You need to use data driven find logic in order to accomplish this scenario. Here is an useful article on how you can proceed. Here is a sample video demonstration, I know it is not using checkboxes but it is the same approach.
You can use 5 different data sources as shown here.

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