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Recorded element disappears

3 Answers 74 Views
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Jakob asked on 13 Aug 2014, 01:42 PM
Hi Telerik team

We recently purchased a license for Telerik, after which I
began organising the files I had created during the trial period, to prepare
for subsequent testing.

This means I've been moving some files around, and now I’ve experienced the same issue twice, namely that after
moving a number tests from one folder to another, one of the elements recorded
in TS disappears completely, thus breaking a number completed and functioning
tests. Also in both separate cases it has been the exact same element that went
missing ('Item1Textbox'  -  I've attached an example from the error log). 

I can understand that moving files around could break some
functionality, and that I might have to refresh some steps in TS, but I don’t
understand how a specific recorded element can spontaneously disappear? 

We’ve found that re-recording the element once in a basic
test will repair the broken steps, but could you help guide me to avoid this
going forward? Could it be a bug in TS that needs further looking into?

Thank you,

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Konstantin Petkov
Telerik team
answered on 18 Aug 2014, 08:32 AM
Hi Jacob,

The error is indeed possible to happen when moving tests. This is because of the way the elements repository is designed - it loads all elements from all tests and merges page nodes if it finds them equal.

This process is described further in the docs here. What is important in your case is that moving the test holding the element has changed the order in which Test Studio has loaded the elements so your element has probably been merged to another page node. Another approach to solve the problem is to find the page node (should be similar by properties to the original) and change the coded reference (basically changing the page node reference in the code should be sufficient).

See also this article describing how page nodes are being merged.

Konstantin Petkov
The New Release of Telerik Test Studio Is Here! Download, install,
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answered on 15 Sep 2014, 08:07 AM
Hi Konstantin 

Thank you for clarifying. I've not run into this issue again, and guess it was mostly due to lack of experience and part of the learning process :)

Boyan Boev
Telerik team
answered on 17 Sep 2014, 12:16 PM
Hi Jakob,

We are glad to hear that.

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Boyan Boev
The New Release of Telerik Test Studio Is Here! Download, install,
and send us your feedback!
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Konstantin Petkov
Telerik team
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Boyan Boev
Telerik team
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