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Publish Test Results With ArtOfTest.Runner

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Aaron asked on 04 Mar 2013, 09:04 AM
We are using the command line tool ArtOfTest.Runner within Jenkins CI to run our tests. It would be great to have the results published to scheduling server and/or by mail. The ArtOfTest.Runner holds the arguments for this scenario:

ArtOfTest.Runner list=Tests\TestLists\BasicTestList.aiilist out=Results serverPublish=true notifyOption=1 mails=""

But after executing the test we get the error "Unable to find TFS server info". Since we do not specify a TFS server in the project but a scheduling server, this error came unexpected.

The following output from test execution shows our problem:
C:\Temp\test>ArtOfTest.Runner list=Tests\TestLists\BasicTestList.aiilist out=Results serverPublish=true notifyOption=1 mails=""
Executing test: 'BasicTest'
Navigate to : ''
Enter text 'google' in 'GbqfqText'
Keyboard (KeyPress) - Eingabetaste (1 times) on 'GsrBodyTag'
Verify 'TextContent' 'Contains' '' on 'TranslateDeCiteTag'
Wait for '250' msec.
Result saved with path: 'Results\BasicTestList 130068607503594562.aiiresult'.
PublishRunResult: Unable to find TFS server info

How can we publish the results via command line?

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Mar 2013, 09:27 AM
Hello Aaron,

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. Could you please try with executing the following command:

ArtOfTest.Runner.exe list="Tests\TestLists\BasicTestList.aiilist"  serverPublish=true notifyOption=1

I have double checked on my side and everything works as expected, Here is what I am executing:

C:\Users\ittodorov>ArtOfTest.Runner.exe list="C:\Users\ittodorov\Documents\Test Studio Projects\March2013\TestLists\google.aiilist" serverPublish=true notifyOption=1
Executing test: ''
Navigate to : ''
Click 'HplogoDiv'
Result saved with path: 'C:\Users\ittodorov\Documents\Test Studio Projects\March2013\Results\google 130069604665124672.aiiresult'.
Publishing to Schedule Server successful!

Before proceed please make sure your SMTP server in Scheduling Server is configured correctly (please refer to the screenshot attached). You can also make sure your Scheduling Service is up and running before you execute. 
If you are still experiencing the issue could you please run a scheduled test list via the Test Studio UI and see if you are getting the emails and the results published?

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
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answered on 11 Mar 2013, 08:01 AM
Thanks for your response. We identified the firewall/proxy to be the problem. Now all works as expected.

But now I have a new question: is it possible to get a more detailed mail by command-line publishing as described in my first post? Like when you plan or schedule a test-list for remote execution.

Thanks in advance!
Telerik team
answered on 13 Mar 2013, 03:54 PM
Hello Aaron,

I am glad you have been able to identify the reason of the issue you were experiencing.
Unfortunately in order to get more detailed email you will have to execute your tests through the UI of Test Studio.

Thank you for your understanding.

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