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problems with locating item second time coded step is run

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Jeanie asked on 27 Sep 2014, 01:20 AM
Hi there,

I have a coded step that locates a sub-menu item and clicks on it to open a particular page.
Early in my test, this step runs and works fine.
Later in the test I want to go to the same page, and I made a copy of the same step.  However, the step no longer works the second time it runs - and I can see the mouse shoot over to the corner of the screen for some reason.
Here is the code inside the step:

HtmlControl ulList = Pages.EVCloudAdministration.AccountsMenuUL;
HtmlListItem accMenuList = uList.Find.ByExpression<HtmlListItem>("tagname=Li", "innertext=New Archive");

I have tried doing things like refreshing the dom tree, some waits, and even refreshing the whole page and navigating back to where I need to be, but nothing seems to help.  Any suggestions on what I can try?  Thanks!

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answered on 30 Sep 2014, 06:58 PM
Hi Jeanie,

...I can see the mouse shoot over to the corner of the screen for some reason

This symptom implies one of two possibilities:
  1. The test is finding the wrong element, such as a hidden element, which has coordinates of 0, 0
  2. The browser is giving Test Studio incorrect screen coordinates when we ask it where is the target element.

Is this "New Archive" <li> element visible at the time Test Studio is trying to click on it? It's important that it be visible in the browser window.

To help diagnose this further I'll need a copy of the test and the ability to execute it on my machine so I can study the problem and come up with a solution for you.

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