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Maximizing power of VS plugin and Test Studio Standalone

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Ted asked on 29 Mar 2013, 01:58 PM

I am just learning to work with both variants of the product: VS plugin and the standalone.  I started with the standalone, but found the VS plugin version just a bit more friendly/comfortable even when working on the basics of get my first prototype tests working. Things like the ability to detach the property list and have it free float & expanded, and working with simple code steps. I need to understand both as like many companies, we hope to eventually use it in DEV and QA. 

 As I get deeper, I better understand which features that are not in both as seen Not to mention other smaller differentiations/qualification mentioned from time to time in the forum posts.  
I am also seeing that moving/hopping between the two is not something one undertakes without some planning process/procedure as mentioned on this post:

So, What is the best strategy? ... How does one maximize the benefits of each and minimize any angst?


 I like to see as part of the answer:

  • A couple of video lecture’s on how actual companies integrate the using of the two – best practices type presentations. One or more that deal with the real technical issues and one of how companies fit/optimize both into the underbelly of their SDLC.
  • A stated goal for new releases of increased "transparency/ seamless-ness" between the two (standalone and plugin), especially when it come to using tests almost in parallel in both systems.(  I am sure the more experienced product users can suggest other features in the standalone that would be good to see in the plugin ...)

Don’t get me wrong – I am pleased with the product, I just want it to keep getting better,  especially for new users that have little time and need to ramp up and start to become productive quickly.  


1 To start, it is important to add link in relevant places in the user guide to  features checklist above. Would stop newbies like me hunting for features in VS. that only exits in standalone  (keeping me fro being part of the problem as much  :-)
2 Check out nice blog Migrating Your Test Project Between VS/Standalone by Stoil Stoychev

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Telerik team
answered on 03 Apr 2013, 05:19 PM
Hello Ted,

I apologize for the delay getting back to you on this. What you ask for, unfortunately, we don't really have. We offer the two versions of Test Studio (standalone IDE and VS plug-in) intending our customers to choose whichever version they are most comfortable with and use it almost exclusively. We don't try and tell you should use either version or try and describe what is the most efficient way to switch between them. Since different people like to work in different ways it's really not appropriate for us to try to say something like "you should do it this way".

I do think one are we can improve upon right away is adding a new page to our Overview section of our online users guide as a comparison "Standalone vs VS Plug-in" and list the similarities and differences (and any limitations).

If you do have more specific questions (other than "where is this documentation") related to switching I'll be glad to answer it. It appears you've already found most of the documentation we already have.

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