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Load Testing - No of completed virtual users count did not match with no of records stored in the DB

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Krish asked on 16 Oct 2012, 12:29 PM

There were 199 completed virtual users after I executed my load testing script. please refer the screen shot for more details.An assumption which we had made was  there should be 199 records in the DB relevant to the 199 completed virtual users. But in the DB there were 204 records. Simply No of completed virtual users count  did not match with no of records stored in the DB.I had been executed many no of load testing scripts. But no of completed virtual users count did not match with no of records stored in the DB . Please give your explanation on this scenario.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2012, 12:13 PM
Hello Krishan,

Thank you for your interest in Test Studio.
This is quite expected behavior in Load Testing and you don't have to worry about. I'll try to explain how this is working. You start your load test with 20 users. During the test when an user from the initial 20 ones completes it gets recorded in the database and another user is created. This scenario repeats until the end of the test. Right before the test ends it stops the virtual users creation, and displays the number of completed users. However there are some created users that are near completion and their records are already created in the database.
That is why you are getting this slight difference between the completed users and the records in your database.

Hope it make sense to you and answer your question.

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answered on 06 Mar 2013, 10:03 AM
Hi Ivaylo,

Well I face a similar issue as Krish. I ran a load test with 20VU`s but my results show almost 25000 Faulted VU`s. And also no. of created VU`s is very high! Please refer to the attached files. Could you please provide me with an explanation? 

Thank you. 

Telerik team
answered on 06 Mar 2013, 02:42 PM
Hello Petr,

The issue you are describing is completely different than the one described in this forum thread. Please read more carefully the initial post and you will notice the difference. 
From today's log you've sent me I've noticed the following:

[03/05 14:26:29,Telerik.TestStudio.Services.exe(3208:35),Error] OutstandingRequest.Run() : EXCEPTION! (see below)
     Situation: Exception during HTTP Request, url []
     Outer Exception Type: System.ObjectDisposedException
     Message: Cannot access a closed Stream.
     HRESULT: 0x80131622 (Official ID (if app.) = COR_E_OBJECTDISPOSED, Error Bit = FAILED, Facility = FACILITY_URT, Code = 5666)
     Call Stack:
          at System.IO.__Error.StreamIsClosed()
          at System.IO.MemoryStream.get_Length()
          at Telerik.TestStudio.Load.Http.OutstandingRequest.TransformContentForBindings(String strContentType, HttpResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
          at Telerik.TestStudio.Load.Http.OutstandingRequest.<Run>d__0.MoveNext()

Please note this was a known issue which we fixed in our latest build. Please upgrade to the newest version of Test Studio and give it a try. If you are still experiencing the issue please submit a new support ticket with more details and logs included.

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answered on 07 Mar 2013, 09:51 AM
Hello Ivaylo,

Well I read it carefully and it didn`t seem to me as a completely different issue. But anyway thanks for the explanation. I installed new version of TestStudio and the numbers of VU`s are much smaller. Even though e.g. No. of Created VU`s is 80 despite the fact that I used only 20 VU`s. But as you said I`ll open a new ticket. 

Could you please advise which table of db Krishan mentioned? Which table should show No. of records? Please refer to the attached screenshot. 

Thank you.

Telerik team
answered on 11 Mar 2013, 01:49 PM
Hello Petr,

The initial query of this was that the customer has 199 completed users and in the database are shown 204, which is expected behavior and you can see my explanation in the post from 19th of October below.
From the database you cannot see this in a plain text since the information is encrypted as you can see from the screenshot attached.

Kind regards,
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