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Javascript errors when handling dropdowns

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Jon asked on 12 Apr 2013, 09:28 PM
Lately I've started running into an ExecuteCommand failed error in a bunch of tests, only when running them on the test studio run time.

It only happens on web forms ajax dropdown control, as far as I can tell.

The error messages look like:

ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'InvokeJsFunction',Target:'ElementId (tagName: '',occurrenceIndex: '-1')',Data:'function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()',ClientId:'Client_344da513-6c50-4d7e-8c61-b129e4dee963',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)')
InnerException: none.

The test log messages is:

Failure Information:
ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'InvokeJsFunction',Target:'ElementId (tagName: '',occurrenceIndex: '-1')',Data:'function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()',ClientId:'Client_9e4e4fc8-fa84-485d-b8b7-1aefb61c62a7',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)')
InnerException: none.
ArtOfTest.WebAii.Exceptions.ExecuteCommandException: ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'InvokeJsFunction',Target:'ElementId (tagName: '',occurrenceIndex: '-1')',Data:'function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()',ClientId:'Client_9e4e4fc8-fa84-485d-b8b7-1aefb61c62a7',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [function fireChanged(){var el=document.getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];var evt = document.createEvent(\'HTMLEvents\');evt.initEvent(\'change\',true,true);el.dispatchEvent(evt);}fireChanged()] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'createEvent'
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJSON)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommand(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)')
InnerException: none.
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommandInternal(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommand(BrowserCommand request, Boolean performDomRefresh, Boolean waitUntilReady)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommand(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Actions.InvokeScript(String script)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.BrowserSpecialized.InternetExplorer.InternetExplorerActions.InvokeScript(String script)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Controls.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect.InvokeOnChange()
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Controls.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect.SelectByText(String text, Boolean invokeOnChangeEvent)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.SelectDropDownActionDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Extensibility.HtmlActionDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost autoHost)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order)

I should also point out that the dropdown box is changed to the correct value

8 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 15 Apr 2013, 10:41 AM
Hi Jon,

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. This is a regression we recently found and fixed. The fix is included in our latest internal build 2012.2.1527. You can download it from your account here: Public URL.

I apologize for the inconvenience and please let me know whether the issue goes away after upgrading.

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answered on 15 Apr 2013, 03:30 PM
It appears that build has fixed the error on my stand alone copy. My next round of automated tests will end in 6-10 hours so if I don't come back then all is good.

Thanks for the quick reply!
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answered on 10 May 2013, 11:15 AM
Is this fix available for Telerik Free testing Framework as well?
Telerik team
answered on 10 May 2013, 03:39 PM
Hi Naveen,

Yes the fix is included in our latest framework build 2012.2.1527. However I recently discovered that the issue still occurs in older versions of Internet Explorer(IE8 and older). The bug is logged here: Public URL. We expect a final fix for this to be included in our next official 2013 R1 release.

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answered on 04 Sep 2013, 04:24 AM
Hi Plamen,

Could you please confirm that this issue has been fixed with the latest 2013 build?  I'm experiencing this issue when performing quick execution in IE9.  If not truly fixed, with the service pack fix this issue?

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answered on 05 Sep 2013, 11:37 AM
Alan - good news and bad news.
Bad news: I'm still getting the same error too, so it looks like they haven't fixed it in the 2013 release.
Good news: I suspect the problem only affects IE9 if it is running in compatibility view mode i.e. acting as IE8. You might be able to work around it by running the browser in normal mode?
Telerik team
answered on 05 Sep 2013, 06:57 PM
Hello Alan,

Our investigation of this issue showed that there's a JavaScript error within the page itself. The JavaScript of that page needs to be fixed. There was no bug in Test Studio discovered that needed to be fixed.

If you have a new website you would like us to look at, in which you believe does not have a JavaScript error contained in it, we'll be glad to look at it. I recommend you create your own support ticket and help us reproduce the problem so we can study it.

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answered on 18 Oct 2013, 01:20 PM
Sorry for the delayed response.  Vince, thanks for the help, however the website we test on forces IE9 to run in IE8 compatibility.  Cross Browser coding/testing is fairly new to our company so this was our solution in the meantime.

Thanks too, Cody.  A solution I found for now is to include the code ActiveBrowser.WaitUntilReady(); but I will keep an eye and see if this is the solid solution.

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