Change Base URL externally (Azure Devops)

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Azure DevOps Test Configuration Test Execution
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Louis asked on 13 Jan 2023, 10:34 AM

Hello guys,

I didn't found any documentation how to change the Base URL externally in a continous integration process alias:
We want to run our test on different enviroments depending on our Azure Devops Build (Develop, Test / QA, Production). 
Is there a way to achieve this behaivor? 

I hope you can help me out! Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Louis Mehring

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answered on 16 Jan 2023, 04:12 PM

Hi Louis,

The Test Studio command line runner ArtOfTest.Runner.exe allows you to use a settings file for each individual run. Under te Web settings you can set a URL for the different environments you need to test.

I hope this will be of further help for you. Don't hesitate to follow up in case you have any additional questions on the topic.

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Azure DevOps Test Configuration Test Execution
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