
Davide Giavazzoli
Arquiteto da Informação

Descobri a MELHOR qualidade da Telerik! Você pode contar com eles sempre. Eu NUNCA tinha encontrado uma equipe de suporte como a deles. Eles resolvem problemas como se fossem um colega nosso!

Mike Evstifeev
Desenvolvedor de Software

A UI para AJAX no ASP.NET da Telerik é inacreditável. O design é perfeito. Desde o primeiro e-mail, o serviço é fantástico. Um sortimento imenso de templates e uma seleção criativa de recursos funcionais. A suíte é a melhor do tipo!

Ami Solomon
Arquiteto Técnico Líder
American Express

Venho trabalhando com a UI para AJAX no ASP.NET nos últimos três anos. Esses controles economizam incontáveis horas da minha equipe, o que nos possibilita concentrarmo-nos mais nos requisitos do negócio e muito menos na interface do usuário. O AJAX possibilita controles rápidos e fáceis de usar.

Gregory Hargrove

Test Studio voldoet aan al onze wensen wat betreft het geautomateerd testen. Het is ongelofelijk gemakkelijk in gebruik. Het neemt de complexe zaken weg, waardoor developers kunnen focussen op meer diepgaande testen.

Himanshu Saraowgi

Het beste van Test Studio vind ik de gebruiksvriendelijkheid waardoor iedereen in een paar dagen er al tests mee kan maken. De gecentraliseerde element repository is heel handig en het brengt de kosten voor het onderhouden van testen naar beneden.

Mark Judson

Toen we de proefversie een week hadden draaien verbeterde ons geaumatiseerde testen 5% naar 30%. Test Studio was ontzettende gemakkelijk aan onze bestaande testomgeving toe te voegen! De testen zijn stabiel, eenvoudig uit te voeren en goed te begrijpen.

Gregory Hargrove

Test Studio ließ sich nahtlos in unsere automatisierten Testkonzepte einbinden. Es ist unglaublich, wie komfortabel man damit arbeiten kann. Test Studio nimmt dem Entwickler den Großteil der Arbeit ab, so dass er sich stärker auf die tiefer gehenden Testaufgaben konzentrieren kann.

Himanshu Saraowgi

Das Beste an Test Studio ist, dass man quasi sofort loslegen kann. Schon nach wenigen Tagen ist man in der Lage, Tests zu erstellen. Durch das Repository, in dem wir Testelemente zentral hinterlegen, sparen wir Kosten für die Testwartung.

Mark Judson

Nachdem wir die Probeversion eine Woche im Einsatz hatten, konnten wir unsere automatisierten Tests bereits von 5% auf 30% steigern. Test Studio ließ sich vollkommen mühelos in unsere vorhandene Testumgebung einbinden! Die Tests sind stabil, lassen sich einfach durchführen und sind leicht verständlich.

Geovanni Hudson
Sr. Web/UI Application Engineer,

After being in the industry for over 20 years I have seen a lot of frameworks come and go, but Kendo UI is by far the best for hybrid/mobile/native apps. Not only for its ease of use but it plays well with others.

Professor David Pike
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

In over 30 years of working with computers and software, I have never encountered a company whose technical support matched Telerik.

Carl Gideon
Enterprise Architect,

We delivered our first version in nine months—which is unheard of in this industry—because we hired 25 of the best people in the industry and gave them really good tools. Then, we converted 1,900 screens to a new UI in just two weeks. I don’t think we could have met our deadlines if we didn’t have easy to use HTML-based UI toolsets to work with. Telerik was a key component in our success.

Tamara Holden-Gurin
Manager, Enterprise Property, Tax and Billing Systems
County of Alameda

Developers at the County of Alameda use Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls extensively to develop enterprise applications for real estate and business property valuations, financial analysis and billing. Telerik controls enable us to develop much faster and with excellent quality. Our users benefit greatly from the web applications, which feature rich Excel-like grids, multiple document interface simulated in a browser window, and many other features. The County of Alameda interactive budget website is also powered by Telerik controls. We are very happy with the level of customer service and responsiveness from the Telerik team. DevCraft suite is worth every penny we spend on it!

Ricardo Mello
Product Director,

Virtually any JS lib can be imported by Wakanda, and we've successfully imported JQWidget and Wijmo into our product previously, but none were able to provide such quality or variety of open source widgets. Kendo UI Core suite has a large number of excellent controls with a superior overall look and feel, and the coding experience is exceptional.

Pawel Korczak
Vice President
INFO-KOR Sp. z o.o

We have used Telerik UI for WinForms desktop interface components for almost three years, The UI design flexibility with Telerik controls is great. Managing and adaptation for developers has been very quick and easy. Our clients enjoy the functionality of this product and we can develop our applications faster than ever. Thanks to Telerik for a great product!

Larry Lindain
Enterprise Architect
Harris School Solutions

We standardized our development tools using Telerik ASP.NET MVC. The Telerik controls are lightweight and have responsive capabilities, enabling us to easily build apps across multiple devices. They also look awesome across different browsers and the built-in customizable theme feature is the icing on the cake!

Erik Brown
Director of Emerging Technology Group,
Molina Healthcare

Powered by Telerik Kendo UI controls, our new app will enable us to improve processes over time, while reducing errors and freeing up in-home workers to spend more time with members and less time with paperwork.

Ben Hayat
Architect and Senior Software Developer
Micro Intelligence Corp.

Telerik DevCraft has taken our developer experience to the next level, helping us to reduce development time significantly. The solution enables us to adopt agile development practices that accelerate mission-critical projects and enable our team to create innovative new applications for desktop, mobile and web.

Tom Cimino
KanGuru Koding

I have been using Telerik Controls for many years now and I've found that my development time and time to market have improved greatly. Telerik helps me create, design and post faster, enabling me to take on more customers. Telerik is a business partner for life.

Rabeeh Abla
Managing Director ,
CSP Solutions

Telerik Kendo UI is a great UI library that allows building solid reusable and responsive user forms - one of the key elements of a modern business software application. We at CSP Solutions recommend it and used it for most of our clients. We give it five stars.


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