Telerik blogs


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    Quick Tips for Browser Dev Tools – The Console

    Browser developer tools have been around for quite some time now, yet a surprising amount of current, or people looking in to becoming, web developers are unaware of them. This is why I wanted to spend some time on creating a short series looking at, what I think, are the important items to know about these great tools. This is actually the last post out of the series with part one covering the element inspector ant network resources, and part two going over the scripts tab. Today I want to take a look in to the all mighty console which is...
    October 10, 2012

    The Story of the Ribbon so far and to come...

    The ribbon (or RadRibbonBar, as we have named it) is among the most tempting-to-use looking and yet somewhat neglected controls. True, it has received some Microsoft love with being the core command component in the Office suite, as well as being more deeply integrated in the soon-to-be-released Windows8, but overall it's not been used that much. Main reason being “why use it”. That, by the way, is an excellent question. So why use the ribbon? To answer that, let's first analyse the control and its purpose: it looks like a tabbed command area; a tabbed toolbar if you will. For the most part,...
    August 23, 2012

    Migrating OnClientClick handlers from ASP button to Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Button

    Let’s start with some background – a common need is for a button to execute some JavaScript code in order to create a more responsive page. With the standard ASP:Button the OnClientClick is used to specify this execution statement. Take the following simple example: <script type="text/javascript">     function ButtonClick(button) {         alert("The Button with ID " + + " was clicked.");     } </script> <asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="Regular Button" OnClientClick="ButtonClick(this); return false;" runat="server" />   What you can see here is a function called with parentheses, an argument provided to the function and the return false; statement that prevents the postback. The case with Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Button is slightly different, however. It follows the convention all other Telerik ASP.NET AJAX...
    August 10, 2012

    The best fit for your project - Telerik's ASP.NET AJAX ComboBox or AutoCompleteBox?

    We have always tried to listen to our customers' feedback and act accordingly in order to provide the best service possible and deliver more than expected:). A common feature request that we are receiving these days is to provide token input that has the same functionality as the one that can be found in Facebook, for example. On a side note, we have noticed that every now and then there are customers, who are having a hard time configuring our RadComboBox in load on demand/autocomplete scenarios. Then an idea came to our minds. - “Hey, why don’t you extract the auto complete...
    August 06, 2012

    RadHtmlChart vs. RadChart – Which ASP.NET AJAX Control to Use for My Project?

    You may have already seen it, but just in case – take a look at our new HTML5 charting control that was introduced with the Q2 2012 release of Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX controls. Its online demos are the perfect starting point. One may wonder what the benefits of having the new Chart over the current one are. This blog post will explain the main differences between them so that you can choose the one that fits your scenario better. First and foremost – the new RadHtmlChart renders entirely on the client through JavaScript. This is its most important performance benefit – the server no longer...