Telerik blogs


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    A Brief Guide To Data Manipulation with Telerik’s mighty PivotGrid for ASP.NET AJAX

    Since we introduced the RadPivotGrid for ASP.NET AJAX in Q2 2012 we have been working hard to bring new functionalities and make our next grid control the best on the market. Now with the release of Q3 2012 we are happy to tell you that we are even closer to achieve desktop-like experience in the browser. The new Telerik’s PivotGrid ConfigurationPanel is a perfect showcase of what RadControls could do and how the web could encapsulate rich client-side interactions with heavy CPU intensive backend calculations. Let’s go through the details.
    October 31, 2012

    Easily Generate QR Codes with Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Barcode Control

    A typical scenario is for someone to browse a website on his computer, and then to wish to open a link of the site on his cellphone. It would be easier for the person to open it, if it’s encoded as an image that the phone can directly read, because smartphones cannot understand human readable text, but most of them can read images, called QR codes. What are QR (Quick Response) codes and how are they used? The QR is a two-dimensional code. It looks like a matrix which consists of black square dots (modules) on a white background. Text information can...
    October 30, 2012

    Telerik’s Major ASP.NET Data Visualization Controls in a New Sample App

    You must have noticed we have been working aggressively on improving the data visualization arsenal of Telerik's ASP.NET AJAX controls over the past year. This is why we thought it was about time we combined the new Gauge, PivotGrid and AutoCompleteBox controls with the enhanced HTML5 Chart into a simple and compact website application. Naturally, with all the hype about this year's Olympic Games the theme for the app was quite obvious. ;) The sample ASP.NET app Olympic Games showcases how easy it is to provide data presentation and management functionality to your users and how you can integrate several major controls with just a few lines of code. Of...
    October 26, 2012

    Uploading Files with Telerik’s ASP.NET Async Upload Control More Flexible than Ever

      Following closely our customers’ feature requests and the latest browser implementations concerning the Html5 FileApi, we keep on our development tradition by adding to Telerik’s ASP.NET Async Upload five new features and support for uploading files in iPad/iPhone iOS. Drag-and-Drop From Q3.2012 RadAsyncUpload supports uploading files by dropping them not only over the upload itself but also over different DropZones on the page. This is easily achieved by setting the DropZones property which lists CSS selectors (with comma separators) allowing users to have a more intuitive functionality. More details can be found in this demo. Manual Upload  Another functionality that provides more flexibility in the process of...
    October 24, 2012

    The ASP.NET AJAX Gauge - Meet Telerik’s New HTML5-based Data Visualization Recruit

    With our previous release (Q2 2012) we introduced RadHtmlChart, but we didn’t stop there – even before the next major release we introduced a lot of the features you asked for. Once again we leveraged the latest HTML5 goodness and RadHtmlChart now has its own younger brother – RadGauge. In fact, it’s a pair of twins – RadRadialGauge and RadLinearGauge to make the family life even more fun. Put simply, you can use the gauge to show very specific data with relation to a given range. You could mimic a car dashboard and show the fuel left and have the last quarter...
    October 15, 2012