Telerik blogs


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    Demystifying unexpected redirects to login page in ASP.NET

    Have you often configured the authorization settings of your website to specify areas with special access rules? One of the common scenarios is to create a website that should be available only to authenticated users. When doing this, have you ever run into the strange behavior of a login page life cycle being executed multiple times when the access to all pages is denied for anonymous users? Read on to see why this happens and how you can avoid it with only a few changes in the web.config file of your website.
    January 11, 2013

    Get Started with ASP.Net AJAX Controls: Gauging the Data Configuration

    Welcome back to our series on getting started with the ASP.Net AJAX Controls. In part 2 of this series, we defined our project and site layout with navigation menus. In this article we will configure a simple data source with Entity Framework 5 and add our first data-bound component to our dashboard to verify that data is loading properly.
    January 10, 2013

    Get Started with ASP.Net AJAX Controls: Project Introduction and Navigation

    In order to introduce ASP.Net developers who may have spent more time with MVC or have not used the ASP.Net AJAX controls from Telerik, we are going to document the creation of a sample project for developers, by developers. This blog series will have significant code content and lots of downloadable code samples.
    December 28, 2012

    Upgrade Your Telerik ASP.NET Controls in 6 Easy Steps

    Upgrading? Why? You have probably asked yourself this very same question each time we ship a new version (and this happens quite often – three major releases per year and at least one service pack in between). We do this to get the latest features and fixes to you as soon as possible, so we can make your development easier.
    December 21, 2012

    Get Started: Creating My First Working ASP.NET AJAX RadControls Application

    My name is Jeffrey T. Fritz, and I am a developer who has been working with Asp.Net since the 1.0 days of 2002. I’ve built web applications of all sizes for all form factors, and included localization features in those applications. As an experienced developer, I’m also a rookie with Telerik’s ASP.Net AJAX controls. To assist other who might be in a similar situation, I’m going to write a series of posts here that share my experiences in getting started with the ASP.Net AJAX controls. I’ve primarily used the default controls that Microsoft distributes with Visual Studio, and thought to myself that using these controls would be a similar experience. Please understand, I’m a developer who starts coding first, and reads product documentation later. You should see how I assemble IKEA furniture...
    December 11, 2012