Telerik blogs


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    The Case of Telerik’s New Old ASP.NET AJAX Upload Control – RadAsyncUpload

    It’s weird that RadAsyncUpload, Telerik’s next-generation ASP.NET upload control, was introduced more than 2 years ago and while its functionality is times richer than the one of RadUpload, the latter is still one of our most widely used controls and the former simply stays in the shadow. People continue recommending our older Upload control in community forums, our customers continue to use it in new projects and we just don’t get it.
    December 05, 2012

    The Facts On Using Kendo UI With ASP.NET WebAPI

    In the past few months we've seen a few questions about using Kendo UI with Microsoft's ASP.NET WebAPI which is now a built-in part of MVC 4. The gorilla in the room is "Does Kendo UI Work With WebAPI?". The answer is of course a...
    November 29, 2012

    8 New ASP.NET PivotGrid Features Not to Miss

    Although Telerik’s ASP.NET PivotGrid control is in still beta, it is getting full of useful features. Some of them are requested by our clients who have started using the control since its CTP release, and the other have to be implemented because the pivot table’s concept requires them. Below I am listing the most recently added functionalities: PivotGrid ConfigurationPanel Filtering PivotGrid Layouts Totals Placement Modes Aggregates Position Tooltips Drag to Group Range Grouping (Group Date, Time and Numeric Values)
    November 12, 2012

    Browser Zoom - Why Does It Break Your Page And How To Avoid It

    The current situation The major browsers offer the option to zoom the entire page rather than just increase the font size. This is an important accessibility feature, which is often used not only by people with vision impairments, but also by users that, for different reasons, need to see the page smaller or larger. Usually we zoom to increase the font size but, since the browser zooms the entire page, visual glitches could appear when the layout is based on background images and/or sprites. It will not ruin the page accessibility but will leave a feeling that the UI is not structured very well. And we don’t want...
    November 05, 2012

    Filtering Options for Your Telerik ASP.NET AJAX PivotGrid

    RadPivotGrid’s development is gathering momentum and Q3 brings along a major improvement: our pivot grid control for Asp.Net Ajax already comes equipped with a powerful filtering mechanism. Let’s look straight into what this new feature offers. Filtering in RadPivotGrid supports three modes: report, label and value. 1. Report filters Report filters are applied on fields that do not participate in the grouping of the data but are still present in the underlying data source:   So, for example, let’s suppose that your data items grouped by RadPivotGrid feature a Category property with 100 unique values. Furthermore, your manager needs a report where the data should be grouped...