This sticky thread lists known issues and breaking changes introduced in the UI for ASP.NET AJAX releases.
Q3 2011 (Version number: 2011.3.1115)
Problem: When adding items to OData-enabled controls (RadMenu, RadTreeView, RadListBox, RadComboBox) through design time erroneous markup is applied to the control:
<telerik:RadListBox runat="server" ID="RadListBox1">
<ODataSettings InitialContainerName="">
Please note the added ODataSettings section. It will cause JavaScript errors on the page.
Solution: Remove the ODataSetting section and the issue will vanish. The problem is also fixed in the Q3 SP1 release, version number 2011.3.1305When I run my project I'm getting this error
Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Web.UI' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
In my web.config I checked that the version in the web.config is the same as the version I'm using in references
<assemblyIdentity name="Telerik.Web.UI" publicKeyToken="121fae78165ba3d4" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="2020.2.617.45" />
I have: Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
I test SplitDocumentPages from PDF example. from
net.framework: 4.8
test pdf is:
Not working well. see picture split1.pdf, only large rectangle without any data.
Please help.
Hi all,
I can see support for Youtube and mp4 files, but can someone please confirm that videos hosted on Vimeo can be played using RadMediaPlayer?
I need to set the GridBound column to read-only when in edit mode but editable when in insert mode (New row added). I've attempted using the Code-Behind "ItemDataBound" event as well as Client-Side "OnBatchEditOpend" event to set the read-only property on the column. Neither attempt work as the column always allows text to be entered. Below are my code snippets:
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Grid Markup:
<telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="CatLoadingPanel1" runat="server"></telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel>
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="CatPanel1" runat="server" LoadingPanelID="CatLoadingPanel1">
<telerik:RadGrid ID="grdCategory" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="Gridheight4"
Width="100%" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10">
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" />
<KeyboardNavigationSettings AllowSubmitOnEnter="true" />
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditGetCellValue="GetCellValue" />
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditSetCellValue="SetCellValue" />
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditGetEditorValue="GetEditorValue" />
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditSetEditorValue="SetEditorValue" />
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditOpened="BatchEditOpened" />
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="Category" EditMode="Batch" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="8pt"
HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" ItemStyle-Font-Size="8pt" PagerStyle-AlwaysVisible="true"
CommandItemDisplay="Top" InsertItemDisplay="Top" BatchEditingSettings-EditType="Cell"
<CommandItemSettings ShowSaveChangesButton="true" ShowCancelChangesButton="true"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Category" UniqueName="Category" HeaderText="Category"
DataType="System.String" ItemStyle-CssClass="maximize" HeaderStyle-Width="250px" ItemStyle-
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="Is_Active" UniqueName="Is_Active" HeaderText="Active"
<telerik:RadSwitch runat="server" ID="CheckBox1" AutoPostBack="true" Enabled="false"
CssClass="elasticSwitch" Checked='<%# Eval("Is_Active") %>' OnClientClicking="checkbox1Click">
<telerik:RadSwitch runat="server" ID="CheckBox2" AutoPostBack="false"
<telerik:GridCheckBoxColumn DataField="CCD_Only" UniqueName="CCD_Only" HeaderText="CCD Only"
HeaderTooltip="Show for CCD UMs Only.." DataType="System.Boolean">
<telerik:GridCheckBoxColumn DataField="MMS_Only" UniqueName="MMS_Only" HeaderText="MMS Only"
HeaderTooltip="Medication Management UMs Only.." DataType="System.Boolean">
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Comments" UniqueName="Comments"
HeaderText="Comments" DataType="System.String"></telerik:GridBoundColumn>
Client Script
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetCellValue(sender, args) {
if (args.get_columnUniqueName() == "Is_Active") {
var container = args.get_container();
var displaySwitch = $telerik.findControl(container, "CheckBox1");
if (displaySwitch) {
function SetCellValue(sender, args) {
if (args.get_columnUniqueName() == "Is_Active") {
var container = args.get_container();
var displaySwitch = $telerik.findControl(container, "CheckBox1");
if (displaySwitch) {
function GetEditorValue(sender, args) {
if (args.get_columnUniqueName() == "Is_Active") {
var container = args.get_container();
var editorSwitch = $telerik.findControl(container, "CheckBox2");
if (editorSwitch) {
function SetEditorValue(sender, args) {
if (args.get_columnUniqueName() == "Is_Active") {
var container = args.get_container();
var editorSwitch = $telerik.findControl(container, "CheckBox2");
if (editorSwitch) {
function BatchEditOpened(sender, args) {
var tblView = args.get_tableView();
var dataIem = tblView.get_dataItems();
var item = args.get_row().control;
var index = item.get_itemIndex();
var colCategory = tblView.getColumnByUniqueName("Category");
var colelement = colCategory.get_element();
if (index < 0) {
colelement.setAttribute("readonly", false);
else {
colelement.setAttribute("readonly", true);
function checkbox1Click(sender, args) {
var grid = $find("<%= grdCategory.ClientID %>");
var batchEditingManager = grid.get_batchEditingManager();
var parentCell = $telerik.$(sender.get_element()).closest("td")[0];
var initialValue = sender.get_checked();
batchEditingManager.changeCellValue(parentCell, initialValue);
VB Code Behind
Private Sub grdCategory_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridItemEventArgs) Handles grdCategory.ItemDataBound
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridEditableItem Then
If e.Item.IsInEditMode Then
Dim itemIndex As Integer = e.Item.ItemIndex
Dim CateGoryColumn As GridColumn = grdCategory.MasterTableView.GetColumn("Category")
If itemIndex < 0 Then
CType(CateGoryColumn, GridEditableColumn).ReadOnly = False
CType(CateGoryColumn, GridEditableColumn).ReadOnly = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Hi Everyone,
I need to display something (as spinner?) to indicate the application is running, because I have a process that forces the user to wait for 30-60 seconds. I think a spinner would be helpful. What I'm not sure is, how to accomplish this. Ironically, when loading this page, this webpage displays two circles each rotating/spinning in different directions. Something like that would be perfect.
How can I duplicate this in my ASP.NET AJAX project?
Essentially, the user presses the RADButton. So, I'd like to pop the spinners when the long process begins, and then hide it when the process is over. Is there a way to launch the spinner from within my C# function?
I try to use
<telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" Runat="server" EnableEmbeddedSkins="True"
access a network shared folder by creating my own FileBrowserContentProvider
this.RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ContentProviderTypeName = typeof(Extensions.NetworkShareProvider).AssemblyQualifiedName;It can view files
But when I try to upload a file
After click Upload button, it triggers my own FileBrowserContentProvider class
but no files are being uploaded, then get an error
it dose not trigger
How to fix? Please help !
I have built a custom assembly skin, and I know that it is working correctly as the controls on the page are showing the correct skin.
However, if I am to add a simple control telerik raddatepicker like the below
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadDatePicker oDate = new RadDatePicker();
oDate.Skin = "IWCL";
The following error is thrown
I am pretty sure that there isn't any issue with the custom assembly, as without adding a control through a code behind, the page runs ok without any error.
You can reproduce the same error by using the sample project that telerik have provided in the below
Thank you and I look forwards to hear from you
Hi Guys
How to validate the following in the RadScheduler
I have a Webform with the RadScheduler and in the Popup form I the following dropdown list that I would like to be mandatory, user must select an item in order to continue saving the scheduler.
private void getReasons(int pReasonId) { // Create a new DataTable. DataTable dtReason = new DataTable("scheduler_reasons"); DataColumn dtColumn; // Create id column dtColumn = new DataColumn(); dtColumn.DataType = typeof(Int32); dtColumn.ColumnName = "ID"; dtColumn.Caption = "Reason ID"; dtColumn.ReadOnly = false; dtColumn.Unique = true; // Add column to the DataColumnCollection. dtReason.Columns.Add(dtColumn); // Create Name column. dtColumn = new DataColumn(); dtColumn.DataType = typeof(String); dtColumn.ColumnName = "calendar_reason"; dtColumn.Caption = "Calendar Reason"; dtColumn.AutoIncrement = false; dtColumn.ReadOnly = false; dtColumn.Unique = false; /// Add column to the DataColumnCollection. dtReason.Columns.Add(dtColumn); // Make id column the primary key column. DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyColumns = new DataColumn[1]; PrimaryKeyColumns[0] = dtReason.Columns["id"]; dtReason.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyColumns; // Create a new DataSet DataSet dtSet = new DataSet(); // Add custTable to the DataSet. dtSet.Tables.Add(dtReason); DataRow workRow = dtReason.NewRow(); workRow["ID"] = "1"; workRow["calendar_reason"] = "Day Off"; dtReason.Rows.Add(workRow); workRow = dtReason.NewRow(); workRow["ID"] = "2"; workRow["calendar_reason"] = "Jury Duty"; dtReason.Rows.Add(workRow); workRow = dtReason.NewRow(); workRow["ID"] = "3"; workRow["calendar_reason"] = "Sick Day"; dtReason.Rows.Add(workRow); workRow = dtReason.NewRow(); workRow["ID"] = "4"; workRow["calendar_reason"] = "Vacation"; dtReason.Rows.Add(workRow); //- Telerik Advanced Edit Form Telerik.Web.UI.ResourceType ResReasons = new Telerik.Web.UI.ResourceType("CaleReasons"); //- Telerik Advanced Edit Form Dropdownlist ResReasons.DataSource = dtReason; ResReasons.ForeignKeyField = "reasonId"; ResReasons.KeyField = "ID"; ResReasons.Name = "Reason"; ResReasons.TextField = "calendar_reason"; RadScheduler1.ResourceTypes.Add(ResReasons); }
Thank you for your help