Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Q2 2010 Beta of Telerik XAML controls is here

    I am proud to announce the immediate availability of our Q2 2010 Preview (Beta, version 2010.2 609) release. It contains the new controls, features and tools we plan to officially announce in July. This Beta version of RadControls for Silverlight contains only natively built assemblies on Silverlight 4 as our major new controls and features will be built only on Silverlight 4 from now on. We also included assemblies built against WPF 4 in this Beta release and they are available under the Beta download files along with the installation of our WPF 3.5 controls. RadControls for Silverlight - Download Trial Version and over...
  • Release

    Introducing Cell Selection for RadGridView for Silverlight/WPF

    Great news! Cell selection will be among the new features that we are going to introduce with Q2 2010. I guess many of you have been waiting for this feature for quite some time now and the wait is almost over.  You can give this new feature a try by downloading the beta version of RadControls for WPF/Silverlight Q2 2010. Let me guide you through the new API. We have added a new property called SelectionUnit which specifies what units are selected when you are interacting with the grid. Currently the SelectionUnit enumeration has two possible values – Cell or FullRow. FullRow represents the...
    June 10, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    How Do You See Something Which Is Transparent?

    This was the question which has been bugging some of the Telerik’s creative minds while working on our newest theme for WPF and Silverlight controls. We wanted it be unique and cool and yet fit serious business cases. We wanted you to have fun and get things done at the same time. We wanted it to blend with your design right from the moment you choose to use it. Instead of hitting you with a wall of text – let me just show it to you … Ladies and Gentlemen – the Transparent Theme in action. The theme will be part...
  • Desktop WPF

    A Binding Navigator in the XAML world

    Remember the good old Binding Navigator of the glorious WinForms past? (If you don’t, this will refresh your memory) Last week a client asked or a Binding Navigator control in WPF. Now, this is somewhat out of place in WPF and Silverlight where the data binding mechanism is completely different, but if you are porting an old Windows Forms application and would wish to preserve the general user experience, such a control would be invaluable. This small control behaves much like the old Binding Navigator, while being fully MVVM-enabled through commands. You bind the control to your collection of items, then access...
    June 08, 2010
  • Web

    Manage all Resources and Appointments data for RadScheduler for Silverlight using RIA Services.

    This blog post could be helpful for those who seek a way to store and retrieve all appointments information like Resources, TimeMarkers, Categories. It also provides a handy way to handle recurrence exceptions without any additional code. 1. Database design (This step can be avoided if a DataModel is initially created and then a database is generated from it). The key points that need to be taken into consideration when planning the database are: Where to save appointments Where to save recurrent appointments’ exceptions Where to save resources and how to relate them with appointments Here is the database schema used in...