Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    A Binding Navigator in the XAML world

    Remember the good old Binding Navigator of the glorious WinForms past? (If you don’t, this will refresh your memory) Last week a client asked or a Binding Navigator control in WPF. Now, this is somewhat out of place in WPF and Silverlight where the data binding mechanism is completely different, but if you are porting an old Windows Forms application and would wish to preserve the general user experience, such a control would be invaluable. This small control behaves much like the old Binding Navigator, while being fully MVVM-enabled through commands. You bind the control to your collection of items, then access...
    June 08, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    A brand new Timeline view for Teleriks Scheduler control for Silverlight/WPF

    Along with other main features like standard resources and resource grouping, the Q3 2009 release brought an additional view to the present ones (Day, Week and Month) – Timeline. Briefly said, it displays a certain number of consecutive time slots and like all other views, the Timeline view is configurable in almost the same way. Here is how it looks like by default:     … where each time slot is 1 day long (i.e. TimeSlotLength of the TimelineViewDefinition is equal to one day) and the date in each header is displayed in a “d-M-yyyy” format. Let’s tweak a bit some of the settings related...
    November 17, 2009
  • People

    [ReSharper] Directory name donates namespace Yes or No ?

    If you like us are passionate user of ReSharper you know that ReSharper "did not like" when a class' namespace did not correspond to the directory structure the file belongs to. To illustrate this lets look at a simple example. Imagine that we have a project named MyProject. By default its namespace is MyProject. Lets have a folder named MyControls in the project as well. Now lets add a class file in that folder, naming it "MyControl.cs". The default namespace that will be generated for the class will be MyProject.MyControls. It is constructed using the default namespace and joining it with the folder...
    July 04, 2008