Along with other main features like standard resources and resource grouping, the Q3 2009 release brought an additional view to the present ones (Day, Week and Month) – Timeline. Briefly said, it displays a certain number of consecutive time slots and like all other views, the Timeline view is configurable in almost the same way. Here is how it looks like by default:
… where each time slot is 1 day long (i.e. TimeSlotLength of the TimelineViewDefinition is equal to one day) and the date in each header is displayed in a “d-M-yyyy” format.
Let’s tweak a bit some of the settings related to the Timeline view and add some resources:
As you see setting the DayStartTime and DayEndTime properties allow us to show only working hours and thus concentrating on what is important.
Hope this will be of use!
Yasen Yankov currently leads one of the Sitefinity engineering teams. Prior to that, he spent 5 years developing and maintaining Sitefinity applications as part of the Progress web team. He has worked on complex web projects like,, and