Telerik blogs
  • Web

    How To: Hierarchy Load On Demand With RadTreeView for Silverlight, MVVM and OData

    Similar to this post, I’ve made a similar example on how to load on demand RadTreeView for Silverlight three level hierarchy using MVVM and OData service:  XAML  <UserControl.Resources>     <DataTemplate x:Key="OrderDetailsTemplate">         <Grid>            ...         </Grid>     </DataTemplate>     <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="OrderTemplate"             ItemsSource="{Binding OrderDetailsCollection}"             ItemTemplate="{StaticResource...
    October 26, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    Programming Telerik ScheduleView for WPF/Silverlight (part 1)

    With this blog post I want to cover the very basics of our brand new RadScheduleView control. It is currently available only for WPF, but soon we will provide a Silverlight version. Please, check my FAQ about RadScheduleView blog post for more information:   To add RadScheduleView to a new or existing application you need to first add references to the following assemblies Telerik.Windows.Controls Telerik.Windows.Data Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView   If you like to drag controls from the Visual Studio Toolbox, add RadScheduleView to the Toolbox following the instructions below (in the official release it will be automatically added when you install RadControls):   I am a fan of the manual...
    October 26, 2010
  • Release

    Telerik ScheduleView for Silverlight/WPF questions and answers.

    I would like to answer a few questions that you might have about our brand new RadScheduleView control.   Q) When is the Silverlight version coming? A) We will do our best to provide the Silverlight version by the end of the year. UPDATE: We already published a pre-beta version that can be downloaded in this forum. The Beta is expected in Mid February, the RTM version will be available with Q1 2011 in Mid March. Q) Why did you create a new control instead of changing the existing RadScheduler? A) We wanted to address...
    October 25, 2010
  • Release

    PerspectiveRotation and MappedLight Transitions preview of Telerik Q3 2010 - RadControls for Silverlight

    Source Here is the beta preview of 2 highly customizable transitions we are releasing with Q3 2010. The PerspectiveRotationTransition uses 3D transformation to display its animations. You can set the direction, center and the easing of the rotation. When combined these settings can grant you live and impressive transitions. The MappedLightTransition blends each pixel from the old content with the new one. What is interesting there is that it uses a grayscale map to determine which pixels blend first and which go last. There is a lot of grayscale thumbs on the web and some may be found in the attached project. The pixel shader...
    October 14, 2010
  • Release

    Using Shapefiles with RadMap

    Since the introduction of RadMap many customers have expressed a need to load shapefiles onto it.  We are adding native support for shapefiles in the Q3 Release, along with vastly improving the performance of information, and dynamic layers.  However, the beta is still a few weeks away, and I had a need for loading shapefiles this week, so I put this quick example together. How to do it Shapefile parsing in this demo is handled by the reader available in the ESRI Contrib project.  When we make the Q3 release you will be able to switch over to our reader by changing about...
    October 01, 2010